
fastest pwning youve ever seen

pwn, ctf, fast, hacking, pwntools
pip install fastpwn==1.12


this is not an alternative to pwntools, just some optimizations that i had found when working with it.

Pwntools is great, the best tool out there for binary exploitation. But we all agree that it is slow as all hell.

log             - pretty formatting optimized for speed - warning - info - debug ; 3 levels to log
cyclic          - Custom De Bruijn sequence
pack/unpack     - Python Struct Module
aslr            - read/write proc
gadgets         - custom algorithm to form ROP gadgets

I will not be creating anything that interacts directly with the binary. This will be left to the big guns in paramiko, sockets, and pwntools. If I were to create a custom ssh, remote, and process handler for binaries, it would not be able to work alongside pwntools.

I cannot say for certain that I will be able to deliver the best in stability, speed, and implemetation so I will leave it to pwntools. My only goal with this project is to optimize.

The gadgets module is a little special, as in this case it is extremely unstable and experimental. It will first disassemble the binary provided, and run a custom algorithm to detect rop gadgets. These gadgets are then placed within a list and checked to see if it matches any templates.

For example, one template for a rop gadget is:


in this template, if we have all of the necessary gadgets within the binary, we will then begin to:
1. search for writeable regions in memory, will try .bss, then .data
2. write '/bin//sh' to writeable region, if x86 will split into 2 different writes
3. pop parameters depending on architecture, and pointer to '/bin//sh'
4. syscall and profit!

Obviously the point of this project is speed and optimization, so i will attempt to make everything as fast as pythonly possible. haha get it? because python is dreadfully slow? haha.

this module is for fast packing and unpacking of 32/64 bit addresses. It uses python's struct packing module so it is essentially as fast as it gets, in as little lines of code as humanly possible.

also, a little not on the unpacking lambda function, why does struct.unpack return a tuple?? its the dumbest thing ive ever seen in my life, why does it do that???

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from struct import pack, unpack
pk32=lambda x,endian="little":pack(">I",x) if endian=="big" else pack("I", x)
pk64=lambda y,endian="little":pack(">Q",y) if endian=="big" else pack("Q", y)
up32=lambda x,endian="little":unpack(">I",x)[0] if endian=="big" else unpack("I",x)[0]
up64=lambda y,endian="little":unpack(">Q",y)[0] if endian=="big" else unpack("Q",y)[0]

next we have our aslr module, this is not exactly a sophisticated one, but simple one i have created for efficiency within my binary. I will not have to echo 0 into some randomize_va_space file that ive forgotten the path to, i can simple just turn it off.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sys import argv
def write(n):
    with open(path, "w") as f:
def read():
    with open(path, "r") as f:
        return True if int( else False
if __name__ == "__main__":
        if len(argv)>1 and argv[1]=="-n":
        elif argv[1] == "-c":
            if read():
                print("Aslr is disabled")
                print("Aslr is enabled")
        elif argv[1]=="-w":
            except IndexError:
                print("Error: Must provide integer to write!\nExample: aslr -w 1")
    except IndexError:
        print("Usage: aslr [-n] [-c] [-w]")
        print("-n\tturn off aslr\n-c\tcheck if aslr is enabled\n-w \twrite custom integer to aslr")

This module has not been finished yet due to the complexity of it. I am going to attempt to make the fastest debrujin sequence generator and searcher. This means that i will need an extremely efficient generation and search algorithm.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# not finished :)