
Official packages for featurize.

pytorch, minecraft
pip install featurize-package==0.0.26



Official packages for featurize.

How to write a package

A featurize package is also a Python package, which can be installed via pip. The source code of official ftpkg is a good start to learn how to write your own featurize package.

Featurize by default provides 5 different types of component, which are Dataset, Dataflow, Loss, Model, Optimizer. With these components, we can build our machine learning training pipeline. All these components are extended from Component.

A solid example

The following code shows how to registed a new Dataset,

from featurize_jupyterlab.core import Dataset, Option

class MyDataset(Dataset):
    """This is my very first dataset component

    # meta information
    name = 'My Dataset'  # Optional, if missing then name will be the class name `MyDataset`
    description = 'This is my very first dataset component'  # Optional, if missing then this will be the doc string
    # define component options
    folder = Option(type='string', default='/datasets', help='please input the folder of the dataset files')
    download = Option(type='boolean', default=True)
    datatype = Option(type='collection', collection=[['Imagenet', 'imagenet'], ['MS Coco', 'coco']], default='imagenet')
    def initialize(self):
        """If you want to do some thing for initializing the component, write it in
        this method instead of `__init__`. If you really want to override the `__init__`
        function, be sure to know what you are doing.

        In every function except the `__init__`, you can use the self.${option_name} to access
        the user setting, e.g.

        `self.foler` is of type `string`, not `Option`, and the string is the path of the folder the user inputed.

    def __call__(self):
        """For Dataset component, the return value is a tuple like (train_dataloader, val_dataloader),
        both the dataloader is of type `torch.utils.data.Dataloader`.
        train_dataloader = ...
        val_dataloader = ...
        return (train_dataloader, val_dataloader)

Above example basicly shows how to define a Component:

  1. Required. Define a class extends one of the 5 basic Components.
  2. Optional. Define the metainfo if you want, or leave them as default.
  3. Optional, but usually necessary. Define the options of this Component. This let the frontend user be able to tweak parameters via the web UI.
  4. Required. Define a __call__ method which is the main logic of the component. The meaning of its parameters and return value is depend on the type of the component.

Hint: some component type may have predefined options, if you peek the parent class of your component, it may have already defined some Options. You can directly use these option in the __call__ function.

The following table shows the signature of __call__ method of different types of component:

Component Type Predefined Options Parameters Return Value
Dataset 1. train_dataflow It's a dataflow which define train data preprocessing
2. val_dataflow It's a dataflow which define validation data preprocessing
None A tuple of 2 torch.utils.data.Dataloader instance, first for train, second for validation
Model None None A instance of torch.nn.Module
Optimizer model It's the return value of the Model component you defined previous None A instance of torch.optim.Optimizer
Loss trainer It's a instance of Minetorch Trainer, it's useful when you want to hack in to the traning process. data It's the batched yield value of the dataloader returned by Dataset component A scalar of type torch.Tensor, which is the loss
Dataflow None rowdata It's a row of data, which is returned by Dataset component A processed row of data


Transformation is a Dataflow component. It is mainly used as define the data transform pipeline. The test code of featurize-jupyterlab is a set of good examples to see how to write a Transformation.

There are 4 kinds of transformation class which you can chose to inherit based on what you want.

Transformation Name Inherit From Description
BasicTransformation Dataflow Base class of transformation
BasicImageTransformation BasicTransformation Basic image transformation, it's used for single image transoform.
MeaningfulColumnsTransformation BasicTransformation A transformation which will define the meaning of selected column and use them in the logic of transform
DualImageTransformation MeaningfulColumnsTransformation A image transformation of MeaningfulColumnsTransformation, the meaning of the columns have already been defined in the class which is image, mask, masks, keypoints and bboxes

Followings are 2 transformation examples with fully comments

from albumentations import RandomCrop, RandomBrightnessContrast
from featurize_jupyterlab.transform import DualImageTransformation, BasicImageTransformation

class Brightness(BasicImageTransformation):  # This is a single image transformation
    """Add a fixed integer to all pixels of an image
    brightness_limit = Option(type='number', default=0.2)
    contrast_limit = Option(type='number', default=0.2)
    brightness_by_max = Option(type='number')

    def create_aug(self):
        return RandomBrightnessContrast(
            p=self.probability  # probability is a predefined Option

class Crop(DualImageTransformation):  # This is a dual image transformation
    """Apply random crop to images, masks, keypoints and bounding boxes
    width = Option(type='number')
    height = Option(type='number')

    def create_aug(self):
        return RandomCrop(
            p=self.probability  # again, probability is predefined