A framework designed to assist in using databases and compatible with feliz framework

pip install feliz-db==0.0.2



An ODM / ORM designed to assist in querying data from some kinds of database


  • Python 3.9 or higher


pip install feliz_db

Postgres Tools



from feliz_db.postgres_tools import PostgresHandler

configs = {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "database": "postgres",
    "username": "postgres",
    "password": "postgres"

DH = PostgresHandler(**configs)

Users can use the add_data, get_data, update_data, and delete_data methods to add, update, and delete data from a table.

All methods will return a dictionary with the following keys:

  • indicator: The indicator of the operation. It will be True if the operation is successful, otherwise it will be False.
  • message: The message of the operation. It will be a string.
  • data: The data of the operation. It will be a list of tuples.
  • formatted_data: The formatted data of the operation. It will be a list of dictionaries.

Add data

adding_list = [{"column_name": "value"}]
add_res = DH.add_data(table="table_name", adding_list=adding_list)

Get data

conditions = [("column_name =", "value")]
get_res = DH.get_data(table="table_name", conditional_rule_list=conditions)

Update data

update_list = [{"_id": 1, "column_name": "value1"},
               {"_id": 2, "column_name": "value2"}]
update_res = DH.update_data(table="table_name",editing_list=update_list, reference_column_list=["_id"])

Delete data

delete_list = [{"_id": 1},
               {"_id": 2}]
delete_res = DH.delete_data(table="table_name", filter_list=delete_list, reference_column_list=["_id"])

PostgresModelHandler & PostgresField

Define a schema model

User can create a model by inheriting the PostgresModelHandler class and defining the fields by PostgresField class.

from feliz_db.postgres_tools import PostgresModelHandler

class TestSchema(PostgresModelHandler):
    meta = {"initialize": True,
            "conditional_init": False,
            "init_type": "schema",
            "schema_name": ["test"],
            "authorization": "user"

Create a schema

configs = {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "database": "postgres",
    "username": "postgres",
    "password": "postgres"

DH = PostgresHandler(**configs)

TestSchema.execute_sql(DH, TestSchema.form_schema_sql)

Define a table model

User can create a model by inheriting the PostgresModelHandler class and defining the fields by PostgresField class.

from feliz_db.postgres_tools import PostgresModelHandler, PostgresField

class UserListTable(PostgresModelHandler):
    _id           = PostgresField(serial=True, primary_key=True)
    modified_time = PostgresField("TIMESTAMP")
    user_id       = PostgresField("VARCHAR(20)", unique=True)
    full_name     = PostgresField("TEXT")
    password      = PostgresField("TEXT", default="''")
    comments      = PostgresField("TEXT", default="''")

    meta = {"initialize": True,
            "conditional_init": True,
            "init_type": "table",
            "schema_name": ["test"],
            "table_name": ["user_list"]}

    def if_initialize(cls, schema_name, table_name):
        now = data_time.datetime.now()
        sql = f"""
        INSERT INTO {schema_name}.{table_name} (modified_time, user_id, full_name, password, comments)
            VALUES ( '{now}', 'admin', 'Administrator', '$2b$12$pDY0sUa6X4AB0kWySLY8lO2ioQtarEWoSeE0kUvg1bZEXMPXefcv.', '');
        return sql

    def else_initialize(cls, schema_name, table_name):
        return ""

Create a table

configs = {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "database": "postgres",
    "username: "postgres",
    "password": "postgres"

DH = PostgresHandler(**configs)

UserListTable.execute_sql(DH, UserListTable.form_table_conditional_sql)

Multiple create schema and table

All models should execute the create_sql method and then use any model to execute the execute_sql method to create the schema and table.

After creating the schema and table, the user can execute the clear_sql method to clear the schema and table.

Note: execute_sql and clear_sql can be executed by any model. Only the create_sql method should be executed by all models.

configs = {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "database": "postgres",
    "username": "postgres",
    "password": "postgres"
DH = PostgresHandler(**configs)


Mongo Tools


DocumentHandler is a class that can be used to define a schema and table for a MongoDB database. The user can create a model by inheriting the DocumentHandler class and defining the fields by the mongoengine class.

from mongoengine import *
from feliz_db.mongo_tools import DocumentHandler

class ConfigCameras(DocumentHandler):
    item_id       = StringField(required=True, unique=True)
    item_name     = StringField(required=True)
    modified_time = DateTimeField(required=True)

    class Coordinates(EmbeddedDocument):
        dashboard = ListField(FloatField(), required=True)
    coordinates   = EmbeddedDocumentField(Coordinates)

    class Rtsp(EmbeddedDocument):
        username  = StringField(required=True)
        password  = StringField(required=True)
        params    = StringField(required=True)
        rtsp_url  = StringField(required=True)
    rtsp          = EmbeddedDocumentField(Rtsp)

    class Projection(EmbeddedDocument):
        source    = ListField(ListField(FloatField()))
        target    = ListField(ListField(FloatField()))
    projection    = EmbeddedDocumentField(Projection)

    comments      = DictField()

    meta = {"db_alias": "dt_config", "collection": "cameras"}



from feliz_db.mongo_tools import MongoHandler

configs = {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5445,
    "database": "mongo",
    "username": "mongo",
    "password": "mongo",
    "schemas": {"cameras": ConfigCameras}

DH = MongoHandler(**configs)

MongoHandler will automatically create the model and then users can use the add_data, get_data, update_data, and delete_data methods to add, update, and delete data from a collection.

All methods will return a dictionary with the following keys:

  • indicator: The indicator of the operation. It will be True if the operation is successful, otherwise it will be False.
  • message: The message of the operation. It will be a string.
  • formatted_data: The formatted data of the operation. It will be a list of dictionaries.

Add data

add_res = DH.add_data("cameras", [{...}, {...}])

Get data

get_res = DH.get_data("cameras", {"rtsp.username": "admin"})

Update data

update_res = MH.update_data("cameras", {"item_id": "123"}, {"item_name": "ABC"})

Delete data

delete_res = MH.delete_data("cameras", {"item_id": "123"})


MongoWidget is a class that can be used to query data from a MongoDB database. The user can use the get_data method to query data from a collection.

MongoWidget also provides the add_data, update_data, and delete_data methods to add, update, and delete data from a collection. However, these methods are not recommended for use because they are not safe. It is recommended to use the class MongoModelHandler to define a schema and table to add, update, and delete data.

from feliz_db.mongo_tools import MongoWidget

configs = {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5445,
    "database": "mongo",
    "username": "mongo",
    "password": "mongo",
MW = MongoWidget(**configs)

get_res = MW.get_data("cameras", {"rtsp.username": "admin"})