
A fast indentation-preserving template engine.

templating, templating-engine, templating-language
pip install fett==0.4.0


Fett travis



import fett

fett.Template('''{{ for customer in customers }}
{{ if i even }}
Even: {{ customer.name }}
{{ else }}
Odd: {{ customer.name }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
No customers :(
{{ end }}''').render({'customers': [
    {'name': 'Bob'},
    {'name': 'Elvis'},
    {'name': 'Judy'}


Tag Format Description
{{ <expression> }} Substitutions
{{ `foo` <expression> }} Substitutions
{{ format <name> }} Metaformatting
{{ if <expression> }} Conditionals
{{ for <name> in <expression> }} Loops
{{ else }}  
{{ end }} Block termination
{{ # <comment> }} Comments

Spaces between tag opening/closing delimiters are optional.


An expression is given for Substitutions, Conditionals, and Loops.

Expressions take the following form:

<name>[.<subfield>...] [<filter> [<filter2>...]]

Instead of specifying a field path, you can start an expression using a string literal:

<literal> [<filter> [<filter2>...]]

You can use filters to modify a single value in simple ways. For example, the loop iteration counter i counts from 0, but users often wish to count from 1. You can obtain a count-from-1 value with the expression i inc.

The full list of filters:

Filter Name Effect
car Returns the first element of a list.
cdr Returns all but the first element of a list.
dec Decrements a value representable as an integer by one.
even Returns true iff its input is representable as an even integer.
escape Encodes &, <, >, ", and ' characters with HTML entities.
inc Increments a value representable as an integer by one.
len Returns the length of a list.
not Returns the inverse of a boolean.
odd Returns true iff its input is representable as an odd integer.
negative Returns true iff its input is representable as an integer < 0.
positive Returns true iff its input is representable as an integer > 0.
split Splits a value into a list by whitespace.
strip Returns the input string with surrounding whitespace removed.
striptags Remove HTML tags from a value.
timesNegOne Returns int(input) * -1
zero Returns true iff the input is zero
Filter Name Effect
upperCase Returns a Unicode-aware uppercase version of the input.
lowerCase Returns a Unicode-aware lowercase version of the input.
Filter Name Effect
add(n) Increments a value representable as an integer by n.
minus(n) Decrements a value representable as an integer by n.
equal(value) Returns true iff a value equals the given value.
lessThan(n) Returns true iff n < the given value.
lessThanOrEqual(n) Returns true iff n <= the given value.
greaterThan(n) Returns true iff n > the given value.
greaterThanOrEqual(n) Returns true iff n >= the given value.




