
a python library that reads and writes Spirent iTest ParameterTree (.ffpt) files

pip install ffptutils==0.1.1



A python library that reads/writes Spirent iTest Parameter (.ffpt) files.

Tested with Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 on Windows and Ubuntu platforms.


  • Convert .ffpt file <-> .csv file.
    • Supported CSV encoding is utf-8 with BOM (Suitable for Windows Excel).
    • Supported Parameter Types are: TEXT, BOOLEAN, INTEGER and DOUBLE.
  • Load .ffpt file from your python script.


pip install ffptutils

Usage 1) Convert .ffpt <-> .csv

  1. Convert a ffpt file to csv format.
> ffpt2csv file1_orig.ffpt edit.csv
  1. Edit the csv file using Excel or other software. csvedit

  2. Convert the csv file back to ffpt format.

> csv2ffpt edit.csv file1.ffpt

Usage 2) General purpose .ffpt file loader

import ffptutils
pt = ffptutils.load('test/2.ffpt')

assert pt['param1'] == 'some value'
assert pt['param2'] == True
assert pt['param3'] == False
assert pt['param4'] == None
assert pt['param5'] == 24
assert pt['param6'] == 1.0
assert pt['param7/param1'] == 'hoge'
assert pt['param7/param2/param1'] == 'fuga'

As you can see, it recognizes the Parameter types and converts into the appropriate python types as below:

  • TEXT -> str
  • DOUBLE -> float
  • INTEGER -> int
  • BOOLEAN -> bool

PIP Package