
Compresses PDFs with PNG compression.

compression, pdf, png, GoodNotes, file, crusher, crunch, compress, size, limit
pip install filecrusher==0.2.5


File Crusher

Compresses PDFs with PNG compression.

Tired of bumping against upload size limits? This tool is perfect to compress PDFs and PNGs by combining some of the best compression tools in one. While it can be slow, it really crushes your filesize and helps you to conquer the relentless 5MB upload limit.

It works by splitting up a PDF into PNGs and compress these with advpng, pngcrush and pngquant. Then it combines them back into a PDF and applies a round of lossless pdf compression. Optionally it can apply OCR - Optical Character Recognition to make a scanned PDF searchable. Additionally, it exposes internal processors enabling you to use it as png compressor and file converter.


1. Install the python library

pip install file-crusher

2. Install the Compression Tools


already pre-installed in compressor_lib directory


sudo apt install pngquant -y && sudo apt install advancecomp -y && sudo apt install pngcrush -y

and install wine for cpdfsqueeze

apt install wine -y

3. optionally Install pytesseract for OCR

For Windows via GUI

Download and Install Tesseract Select Additional Languages that you want. (f.e German under Additional Language Data)


apt install tesseract-ocr

add additional language packs

apt install tesseract-ocr-<language-shortform> -y

example for german

apt install tesseract-ocr-deu -y


CLI Usage

# for pdfs
python3 -m file_crusher input.pdf output.pdf --pdfcompressor
# or for pngs
python3 -m file_crusher input.png output.png --pngcompressor
# for other processors see
python3 -m file_crusher --help

Python Usage

from file_crusher import PNGCompressor, PDFCompressor

compressor = PNGCompressor()
compressor.process_file("input.png", "output.png")

# extreme mode
compressor = PNGCompressor(0)
compressor.process_file("input.png", "output.png")

# fast mode
compressor = PNGCompressor(5)
compressor.process_file("input.png", "output.png")

# also check the other options
compressor = PDFCompressor(default_pdf_dpi=200)
compressor.process_file("input.pdf", "output.pdf")


It's important to note that lossy compression results in loss of quality or data. Therefore, it's always a good idea to test the output file to make sure it meets your requirements.

If you encounter any challenges while using the library or have suggestions for its improvement, I invite you to please create an issue.