Packages to collect Stock and News data periodically from different sources and save it to databases.
Also includes python packages to easily access and consume the data.
Collects data from the Yahoo-Finance API and saves it to a QuestDB instance.
Use the docker-image to run the server. The server will collect data after each trading day. The tickers are provided via *.csv files that contain the ticker, name and long-name of the company. The files must be named after the exchange the tickers are listed on. An example can be found here.
An example config can be found in the docker-compose.yml file.
Consume the Data
To consume the data, use the pip package.
pip install finance-stock-scraper
Then use the TickerRepository to get the data as a pandas DataFrame.
from finance_stock_scraper.QuestClient import QuestClient
from finance_stock_scraper.TickerRepository import TickerRepository
from finance_stock_scraper.model.Ticker import Ticker
questClient = QuestClient(host=IP)
tickerRepository = TickerRepository(questClient)
#Build a ticker object
ticker = Ticker("GOOGL","NASDAQ")
#Get data from QuestDB
df_daily = tickerRepository.get_values(tickers=ticker,interval="1d",values=["open","close","high","low","volume"])
df_minutly = tickerRepository.get_values(tickers=ticker,interval="5m",values=["open","close","high","low","volume"],start_time=START_TIME,end_time=END_TIME)
Scrape news and save them to a MongoDB instance.
Use the docker-image to run the server. The server will collect articles from Google-News, FinViz or RSS-Feeds. Then a sentiment analysis will be performed and the articles will be saved to the database.
An example config can be found in the docker-compose.yml file.
Consume the Data
To consume the data, use the pip package.
pip install finance-news-scraper
Then use the MongoDBClient to get the data as a pandas DataFrame.
from finance_news_scraper.mongo_client import MongoDBClient
mongoClient = MongoDBClient(host=IP)
articles = mongoClient.get_articles(["GOOGL"])
sentiments = mongoClient.get_sentiments("GOOGL",frequency="h",start=START_TIME,end=END_TIME)
For more examples, see the demo notebook.