
wrap find(1) with terminal UI

find, terminal
pip install findtui==1.3.3



Build Status


Wrap find(1) with terminal UI. Tested with Python 2.7/3.2/3.4

Why I write it?

At first, I always switch between man find and find: missing argument to '-exec' or other stuff, when trying to make find(1) work. Therefore, I wrote a checklist, to make life easier. From then on, I always switch between the checklist and find ... to make find(1) work correctly. At least I saved myself from typing man find.

Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore. So this tool, which I hope to solve the problem met, is created.

It is a terminal UI wrapper, so it can be used in both desktop environment and remote server.

Who will be interested in it?

Guys uses find(1) in terminal sometimes and feel it too complex to work with, like me.

How to use it?

install via pip

Download it via pip

[sudo] pip install findtui

Then just run it with findtui:


install manually

cd somewhere
# clone and checkout latest tag
git clone && git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
[sudo] pip install -r requirements.txt

Add this line to your shell configuration: alias findtui somewhere/find/ You can alias it as find, too. However, if you do this in zsh, zsh will refuse to provide argument completion for find. Zsh hates cheat. This is not a problem in bash, since bash doesn't provide special completion for find.

That's all. Now you can run it with findtui.


  1. zsh like auto-completion


  2. choose your options with terminal UI


  3. terminal shortkeys


    Currently supported shortkeys:

    key name default value desceiption
    JUMP_TO_MENUS ctrl n jump to menus
    JUMP_TO_OPTIONS ctrl o jump to options panel
    JUMP_TO_COMMAND ctrl e jump to command input
    TRIGGER_COMPLETITION tab trigger completion
    RUN_KEY ctrl r, enter run the command
    EXIT_KEY q, Q, ctrl d quit

    You can use environment variable to specific them, like RUN_KEY='shift meta c' findtui.

  4. support both GNU version and BSD version

  5. show examples for frequently-used options


More idea?

If you have any ideas to make this tool more useful/efficient, don't hesitate in sending a pr or opening an issue.


See Changelog