
Light-weight client to manipulate alerts from Fink

apache-kafka, astronomy, client, dashboard
pip install fink-client==7.2


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Fink client

fink-client is a light package to manipulate catalogs and alerts issued from the fink broker programmatically. It is used in the context of 2 major Fink services: Livestream and Data Transfer.


fink_client requires a version of Python 3.9+.

Install with pip

pip install fink-client --upgrade

You will also need to install fastavro==1.6.0 separately (versions above are not compatible with alert schema):

# fastavro 1.6.0 requires Cython<3
pip install "Cython<3"
pip install --no-build-isolation "fastavro==1.6.0"

Use or develop in a controlled environment

For usage:

conda env create -f
conda activate fink-client
pip install "Cython<3"
pip install --no-build-isolation "fastavro==1.6.0"
pip install fink-client --upgrade

For development:

git clone
cd fink-client
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate fink-client
pip install "Cython<3"
pip install --no-build-isolation "fastavro==1.6.0"
pip install -e .


In order to connect and poll alerts from Fink, you need to get your credentials:

  1. Subscribe to one or more Fink streams by filling this form.
  2. After filling the form, we will send your credentials. Register them on your laptop by simply running:
fink_client_register -username <USERNAME> -group_id <GROUP_ID> ...

Livestream usage

Once you have your credentials, you are ready to poll streams!

fink_consumer -h
usage: fink_consumer [-h] [--display] [-limit LIMIT] [--available_topics]
                     [--save] [-outdir OUTDIR] [-schema SCHEMA]

Kafka consumer to listen and archive Fink streams from the Livestream service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --display           If specified, print on screen information about incoming
  -limit LIMIT        If specified, download only `limit` alerts. Default is
  --available_topics  If specified, print on screen information about
                      available topics.
  --save              If specified, save alert data on disk (Avro). See also
  -outdir OUTDIR      Folder to store incoming alerts if --save is set. It
                      must exist.
  -schema SCHEMA      Avro schema to decode the incoming alerts. Default is
                      None (latest version downloaded from server)

You can also look at an alert on the disk:

fink_alert_viewer -h
usage: fink_alert_viewer [-h] [-filename FILENAME]

Display cutouts and lightcurve from a ZTF alert

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -filename FILENAME  Path to an alert data file (avro format)

More information at docs/livestream.

Data Transfer usage

If you requested data using the Data Transfer service, you can easily poll your stream using:

usage: [-h] [-topic TOPIC] [-limit LIMIT] [-outdir OUTDIR] [-partitionby PARTITIONBY] [-batchsize BATCHSIZE] [-nconsumers NCONSUMERS]
                            [-maxtimeout MAXTIMEOUT] [-number_partitions NUMBER_PARTITIONS] [--restart_from_beginning] [--verbose]

Kafka consumer to listen and archive Fink streams from the data transfer service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -topic TOPIC          Topic name for the stream that contains the data.
  -limit LIMIT          If specified, download only `limit` alerts from the stream. Default is None, that is download all alerts.
  -outdir OUTDIR        Folder to store incoming alerts. It will be created if it does not exist.
  -partitionby PARTITIONBY
                        Partition data by `time` (year=YYYY/month=MM/day=DD), or `finkclass` (finkclass=CLASS), or `tnsclass` (tnsclass=CLASS). `classId` is
                        also available for ELASTiCC data. Default is time.
  -batchsize BATCHSIZE  Maximum number of alert within the `maxtimeout` (see conf). Default is 1000 alerts.
  -nconsumers NCONSUMERS
                        Number of parallel consumer to use. Default (-1) is the number of logical CPUs in the system.
  -maxtimeout MAXTIMEOUT
                        Overwrite the default timeout (in seconds) from user configuration. Default is None.
  -number_partitions NUMBER_PARTITIONS
                        Number of partitions for the topic in the distant Kafka cluster. Do not touch unless you know what your are doing. Default is 10
                        (Fink Kafka cluster)
                        If specified, restart downloading from the 1st alert in the stream. Default is False.
  --verbose             If specified, print on screen information about the consuming.

More information at docs/datatransfer.