
Yet another import order style

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pip install flake8-import-order-jwodder==0.1.0


Project Status: Active — The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. https://travis-ci.com/jwodder/flake8-import-order-jwodder.svg?branch=master MIT License

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flake8-import-order-jwodder defines an import order style jwodder for use with flake8-import-order. The jwodder style is the same as the appnexus style bundled with flake8-import-order, except that names in from X import ... lines are sorted case-sensitively.


Just use pip (You have pip, right?) to install flake8-import-order-jwodder and its dependencies:

pip install flake8-import-order-jwodder


An example of imports sorted according to the jwodder style:

from __future__ import absolute_import

import ast
from functools import *
import os
from os import path
import StringIO
import sys

import X
from X import *
from X import A
from X import B, C, b, d
import Y
from Y import *
from Y import A
from Y import B, C, D
from Y import e
import Z
from Z import A
from Z.A import A
from Z.A.B import A

from localpackage import A, b

import flake8_import_order
from flake8_import_order import *
from . import A
from . import B
from .A import A
from .B import B
from .. import A
from .. import B
from ..A import A
from ..B import B