
flake8 plugin to run pycodecheck but ignore their incorrect self-documenting f-string errors in Python 3.12

pip install flake8-self-documenting-f-strings==0.1.2


Self-documenting f-strings in Python 3.12

The current version of pycodestyle, and thus flake8 doesn't see to allow valid self-documenting f-strings anymore. They passed from Python 3.8 until now. That's annoying, but I'm told it's on purpose, so here is a workaround that allows for the long time valid syntax to be used w/o ignoring the errors globally or having to add a bunch of # NoQA: blah... all over your code. The best discussion I could find is found here. Comments were ignored and the discussion locked, thus this!


Here is and example of what used to be allowed:

# example.py

var: int = 5
print(f'{var = }')

The versions used when this was discovered were:

✗ flake8 --version
7.0.0 (mccabe: 0.7.0, pycodestyle: 2.11.1, pyflakes: 3.2.0) CPython 3.12.1 on [Darwin | Linux]

Here are the new errors for the valid code:

✗ flake8 example.py
example.py:3:13: E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
example.py:3:15: E202 whitespace before '}'
example.py:3:15: E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals