
one small flask rest api factory

pip install flask-api-factory==0.2.3


The initial idea is to be a Rest API factory, with the aim of making it easy to create from models defined using the SQLAlchemy ORM.

We still use pydantic to serialize objects and payloads.


You can install using pip:

$ pip install flask-api-factory

You can install with the database driver you want to be supported by SQLAlchemy, but if you prefer, you can install the driver as an extra library, with the command:

$ pip install flask-api-factory[postgres]

This will install psycopg2 together with our library.

You can still install using poetry with the command:

$ poetry add flask-api-factory

A simple example

Having the Pet model already defined and the initialization of the Flask application already started, just use the following code:

from flask import Flask, Blueprint
from flask_api_factory import factory_api

from .models import Pet
from .serializers import PetSerializer

blueprint = Blueprint("pets", __name__, url_prefix="/pets")

def init_app(app: Flask) -> None:

factory_api(blueprint, Pet, PetSerializer)

This way we will have a /pets endpoint capable of responding to all HTTP verbs. Consulting the documentation you can check other options for configurations and functionalities.


  • Documentation;
  • openapi.json generation mechanism;
  • A way to provide Swagger and/or Redoc;
  • Write unit tests.