
A simple interface to use CKEditor5 with Flask

pip install flask-ckeditor-manager==0.1.32



Flask-CKEditor-Manager (from now on FCKM) provides a simple interface to use CKEDitor5 javascript library with Flask. Greatly inspired by Flask-CKEditor

🚧 This package is under heavy development..


Install the extension with pip:

pip install flask-ckeditor-manager

Install with poetry:

poetry add flask-ckeditor-manager


This are some of the settings available

Config Description Type Default
CKEDITOR_LICENSE_KEY CKEditor License key str None
CKEDITOR_EDITOR_TYPE Editor package to be displayed str "classic"
CKEDITOR_LOCAL_PATH If custom package is present, this is the path in the static folder. str None
CKEDITOR_LANGUAGE The lengague of the editor. str None
CKEDITOR_ENABLE_CSRF Enable CSRF protection in SimpleUpload adapter bool None
CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_ENDPOINT SimpleUpload adapter endpoint. Must follow the CKEditor5 estipulations. Read more str None
CKEDITOR_WATCHDOG If watchdog plugin installed change this value to True to enable its rendering bool None


Once installed the FCKM is easy to use. Let's walk through setting up a basic application. Also please note that this is a very basic guide: we will be taking shortcuts here that you should never take in a real application.

To begin we'll set up a Flask app:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

Setting up extension

FCM works via a CKEditorManager object. To kick things off, we'll set up the ckeditor_manager by instantiating it and telling it about our Flask app:

from flask_ckeditor import CKEditorManager

ckeditor_manager = CKEditorManager()

Load resources

Once the extension is set up, this will make available the ckeditor object into the templates context so you could load the javascript package easily, like this.

  {{ ckeditor.load() }}

Rendering the editor

Once created you can pass the Chart object to render_template and use it likewise.

<!-- ckeditor.load() must be called before this line -->
<textarea id="editor"></textarea>
<div class="my-classes">{{ ckeditor.config('editor') }}</div>