
Make it easy to serialize flask api request and response

flask, rest, serializer, automatically, swagger
pip install flask-rest-serializer==0.0.2



Make flask request parse and response serialize easier.


  • define request and response schema with Marshmallow.
  • request serialize and validation (validation is supported by Marshmallow Schema load).
  • field can specify request location to get value , location is one of headers, body(form or json), args). If not set location will be args for http GET, DELETE and body for http POST, PUT, PATCH.
  • return Python object(Sqlalchemy Model instance or customer Data Object) directly in your view functions.
  • swagger generation according to request and response schema.


flask_config_key type description
REST_SERIALIZER_BLUEPRINT_SEPARATE_DOCS boolean if set True, will generate separated swagger doc file for blueprint. if set False only one doc file will be generated.
REST_SERIALIZER_VALIDATION_ERROR_HANDLER string abort, string re_raise or a callable object behaviour when serialize request occurred a ValidationError. if set abort, will raise a HttpException. if set re_raise will reraise ValidationError. if set a callable object, will call it with ValidationError


# schemas.py
from marshmallow import fields
from marshmallow.schema import Schema

class UserSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Integer()
    username = fields.String()

class QueryUserSchema(Schema):
    username = fields.String()

class CreateUserSchema(Schema):
    username = fields.String(required=True, allow_none=False,
                             metadata={"location": "body"})  # if location not set, 

# app.py
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api, Resource

from example.schemas import CreateUserSchema, QueryUserSchema, UserSchema
from flask_rest_serializer import generate_swagger, serialize_with_schemas

app = Flask("example")
api = Api(app, prefix="/rest")

class User:
    def __init__(self, id, username):
        self.id = id
        self.username = username

user_one = User(id=1, username="one")
user_two = User(id=2, username="two")

users = [user_one, user_two]

@app.route("/users", methods=["GET"])
def get_users(username):
    return [user for user in users if username in user.username]

def get_user_by_id(user_id):
    for user in users:
        if user.id == user_id:
            return user

    return None

class UserResource(Resource):
    def post(self, username):
        new_user = User(id=3, username=username)
        return new_user

generate_swagger(app, "1.0", "./", "yaml")