FlaskCBV is Alternative Framework for working with flask with the class Based Views approach (CBV)

pip install flaskcbv==1.3.2


FlaskCBV Installation manual


FlaskCBV is Alternative Framework for working with flask with the class Based Views approach (CBV)

The platform allows to implement a clear architecture based on the using of all the benefits of this approach;

These framework are made in a style similar to Django:

  • to simplify its study
  • because the architecture of the Django looks elegant.

We tried to make the minimum loaded wrapper for the flask, which does not require any special dependencies.

Features of use:

Instead of the route decorator to define handlers we are using urls.py with the description of the scheme and with ability:

  • using includes
  • the splitting of the namespace for each application

As a configuration file for flaskcbv used the "settings" module; There's also a separate settings module is specifically flask;


  • setuptools
  • Flask
  • Werkzeug
  • Jinja2
  • MarkupSafe

Installation and setup:

  1. Install framework using pip:

    $ sudo pip install flaskcbv

The required dependencies will be installed automatically.

  1. Create a directory of your project:

    $ mkdir project; cd project

  2. Create project using flaskcbv utility:

    $ flaskcbv initproject

The project will be created in the current directory

  1. Start server:

    $ cd apps; $ python start.py

The server starts by default on port 5555

  1. Try the server using your browser or telnet(in a separate shell), for e.g:

    $ telnet localhost 5555 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. GET / HTTP/1.0

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 22 server: my WEB Server Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 21:57:46 GMT

    It works on FlaskCBV! Connection closed by foreign host.

    Project is works, have fun:)


In the generated project by default there are two directories:

  • apps/ - there are placed the applications of project and modules required to run
  • settings/ - flaskcbv settings module

Let us consider separately each of the directories:

Directory: settings/

  • init.py - this module contains the base settings of the framework
  • local.py - this module is included to the init.py, it is necessary for that would allocate the settings concerning the used development instance.

For example:

In init you can set up base settings such as the application set, the default headers and so on; In local.py you can set/override the database connection settings, the paths to templates, etc... Then if you move project to other instance you can change local.py using a Makefile or other method of automatic creating from prototypes; it is convenient to push "init" into the repository.

If desired, the entire directory of settings can be replaced by settings.py, this is not affect to the framework working;

Directory: apps/

  • start.py - it is a runnable program, it is necessary to start the server in test mode. in this program, are automatically assigned port, and absolute path to the project; based on this program you can easily create the front-end wsgi.py

  • project.py - module which creates a flask app using flaskcbv;

  • flaskconfig.py - a module which sets configuration variables of the Flask;

  • urls.py - module which describes the main namespaces and handlers(urls) of the project

Here placed the default app: "main", which makes output on request: "It works on FlaskCBV!"

  • main/urls.py - included to the main urls.py module
  • main/views.py - the module contains a view mainView, here also sets the template which is used to output to the user.
  • main/templates/main/index.tpl - template of "main" application;

For the successful work of application "main" it placed to the settings module in the APPLICATIONS tuple;

Try to play with project, to withdraw its templates and to write any mixins.

Now you can use Flask with CBV approach

Have fun!:)

regards, procool@

FlaskCBV Examples:

Simple implementation of json server:

from flaskcbv.response import Response
from flaskcbv.view.mixins import JSONMixin
from flaskcbv.view import View

class JSONView(JSONMixin, View):
    def get_json_indent(self):
        return self.__json_indent

    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        try: self.__json_indent = int(request.args['json_indent'])
        except: self.__json_indent = None

        r = super(JSONView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

        ## Return context as json 
        return Response(self.get_as_json())

class myJsonView(JSONView):
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        return {'some': 'var'}

when processing myJsonView the client will receive:
    "errno": 0,
    "error": "OK",
    "details": "",
    "some": "var"

Example of checking user session (implementation LoginRequiredMixin):

import logging

import werkzeug.exceptions as ex
from flask import request, session, abort

from flaskcbv.view.mixins import JSONMixin, getArgumentMixin
from flaskcbv.response import Response

from .models import Auth

## Mixin with session validate methods:
class AuthedMixin(object):

    def test_for_user(self):
        ## Try to get session from query parameters:
        try: session_= self.request.args['session']
        except: session_ = None
        ## Try to get session from flask.session (cookies)
        if session_ is None:
            try: session_=session['session']
            except: session_= None

        ## No session, return 401:
        if session_ is None:

        ## Check the session, find the user:
            request.user = Auth.session(session_)
            session['session'] = session_
        except Exception as err:
            request.user = None

## Check session Mixin
class _LoginRequiredMixin(object):
    def prepare(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ## The only type of exception - abort
        ## The session was found but it's wrong(or user not found):
        if request.user is None:

        return super(_LoginRequiredMixin, self).prepare(*args, **kwargs)

class LoginRequiredMixin(_LoginRequiredMixin, AuthedMixin):

Now, mixing in LoginRequiredMixin to any view, before the dispatch we have carried out the test of session

An example of a forwarding context variables to the template:

import logging
import datetime

from flaskcbv.view import TemplateView
from settings import STATIC_URL

## Provide context varialbes from project settings
class defaultSettingsMixin(object):

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(defaultSettingsMixin, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['STATIC_URL'] = STATIC_URL
        return context

class myTemplateView(defaultSettingsMixin, TemplateView):

Now, inheriting myTemplateView in context variables STATIC_URL is set from the settings;

Example of creating and using the template tag(jinja extention):

The classes of template tags should be placed into the directory templatetags located in the root directory of the project;*

Create a directory:

$ cd myproject
$ ls
apps  assets  settings  templates
$ mkdir templatetags; cd templatetags
$ touch __init__.py

Let us create, for example, mytags.py in which:

# encoding: utf8
from jinja2 import nodes
from jinja2.ext import Extension

## This extension will return the type of the given attribute any of the specified object
class ObjectAttrTypeExtension(Extension):
    ## If this attribute is not defined or is False or None, the extension will not be taken into account when running:
    tags = set(['attrtype'])

    def __init__(self, environment):
        super(ListSortedExtension, self).__init__(environment)

        # add the defaults to the environment

    def parse(self, parser):
        lineno = next(parser.stream).lineno

        # now we parse a single expression that is used as cache key.
        args = [parser.parse_expression()]

        if parser.stream.skip_if('comma'):

        return nodes.CallBlock(self.call_method('_empty', args),
                               [], [], "").set_lineno(lineno)

    def _empty(self, obj, attr, caller):
            return "%s" % type(getattr(obj, attr))
        except Exception as err:
        return u''

At the start flaskcbv will automatically load the tag and it will be available for using in templates; There is an Example:

{% attrtype request, 'method' %}
  • returns: "<type 'str'>"

Read more about jinja2 extentions: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/extensions/

Example of FlaskCBV Forms:

## Simple form:
from flaskcbv.forms import Form

class myFormClass(Form):
    def clean_test_passed(self, val):
        ## self.cleaned_data['test_passed'] value will be 'passed' 
        ## self.data['test_passed'] value will be val
        return 'passed'      

    def clean_test_error(self, val):
        ## self.data['test_error'] value will be val
        ## there is no key 'test_error' in self.cleaned_data
        ## self.errors['test_error'] will be: 'Some Error' Exception
        raise Exception('Some Error')

from flaskcbv.view.crud import FormViewMixin
from flaskcbv.view import TemplateView

class myFormView(FormViewMixin, TemplateView):
    form_class = myFormClass

    ## Uncomment this, if you want default redirect:
    #form_success_url = '/action/success/'
    #form_unsuccess_url = '/action/unsuccess/'

    ## Custom url for form success action:
    #def get_from_success_url(self):
    #    return "/some/other/success/url"

    ## Here, on GET client recv's our template, where in context var.: 'form' we can access to cleaned form variables;
    ## Let's Redefine POST processing:
    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):

        ## Create our form object:
        form = self.get_form() 

        ## Check form, this will run form.clean that will start 'clean_ATTR' methods, like in django
        if form.validate():
            ## By default it's a redirect to self.form_success_url or self.get_from_success_url(): 
            return self.form_valid(form)

            ## By default returns template with 'form' context variable:
            return self.form_invalid(form)