Tools and extensions to make Flask development easier.

flask, flask-extensions, python, web-development
pip install fleaker==0.5.0



Fleaker makes Flask devlopment easier by including glue and customizations for popular support libraries such as:

  • Marshmallow
  • PeeWee

In addition to implementing improved Flask apps with more powerful:

  • Configuration
  • Components
  • Exceptions

All in all, Fleaker makes developing for Flask more like developing for Python: it's batteries included and you'll always be surprised with what's already built.


The main way to begin using Fleaker is simply to import: fleaker.App and then call create_app, like so:

import os

from fleaker import App

def create_app():
    app = App.create_app(__name__)

    # configure from settings module, and then the OS environment
    app.configure('settings', os.environ)

    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    create_app().run(host='', port=5000)

Run the above code and you can access your Flask app on: localhost:5000!


To lint, run this:

tox -e lint

And it will run both flake8 and pylint for you.

@TODO: Probably move to

Fixing an issue

See an issue or bug you wanna tackle? Awesome! Here's how you do it, using a classic test-driven approach:

  • First you're going to want to clone the repository: git clone
  • Write a test that produces the failure seen in the issue
    • Run all tests with this command (py27 denotes a python 2 run environment): tox -e py27
    • Run a specific test by passing in the location like so (note the space): tox -e py27 -- tests/path-to-test-file
  • Write various similar tests to see how they respond
    • If they fail, you can try to address them in the fix for the original issue
    • If they pass, no problem.
  • Use tox to run the tests and utilize the stack trace to locate the source
  • Once the source is located, go forth and fix it
  • Run tests to ensure all is well
    • Make sure to run tox without flags to ensure all environments are tested and passing

The Ultimate Goal

Right now, setting up a Flask app can be a bit more time consuming and tedious than it should be. You need to create factories, register blueprints, integrate a host of extensions, and then you always seem to forget something simple, but important, like properly configuring logging.

There are existing libraries that try to package Flask up into a nicer, more abstract interface, but they're always too heavy handed or just not maintained. Fleaker aims to solve that by building most of it's functionality in App Mixins that can be chained together at will and configured as desired. Additionally, Fleaker powers all projects at Croscon, meaning it gets a fair amount of usage and attention.

Fleaker still has a bit more work to go before it hits it's ideal API, but in the long run this is what setting up a Flask app should look like:

from os import env

from fleaker import App

from my_application.components import SessionComponent

# app factories are always a best practice
def create_app():
    # make your App and set the SessionComponent as the primary means of
    # interfacing with Flask-Login, who will extract methods based on names
    app = App.create_app(__name__, login_component=SessionComponent,

    # configure from a, a, and then the
    # environment.
    app.configure('.settings_common', '.settings_secret', env)

    # register all blueprints automatically in the `blueprints` module in this
    # package. Blueprints are registered with a generically named registration
    # function in each top level module

    # there is one ELB in front of the app, so apply the standard proxy fix
    return app


The release process is fully automated via the scripts/ script. All you need to have in order to run it is a ~/.pypirc file with your proper credentials and two sections: pypi and pypitest. It should resemble:




From there, the release process is as simple as creating the new entry in the CHANGES file with the appropriate version number as the header, the date it was released, and a summary of the changes. Like so:

Version 0.2.0

Released on March 31st 2017, codename Erlenmeyer.

The rise of the documentation and the opening of source...

- Added Sphinx integration for generating the documentation. Right now, it's
  mostly focued around generating the API Documentation.
- Fleaker is now open source!

The format of the date is very important. For most cases, just look at what's already done and follow suit.

After running the script it will update version numbers, download URL's in, commit, create a tag, and publish to PyPI. When the script is done, it will leave one uncommitted change for the new -dev version. Commit that, and push it up along with all the new tags.

Now go home and enjoy your new release of Fleaker!