Python 3 module for partitioning water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes
The eddy covariance technique is commonly used to measure gas fluxes over agricultural fields. Greater insight into the functioning of agroecosystems is possible if the measured gas fluxes can be separated into their constitutive components: the water vapor flux into transpiration and direct evaporation components, and the carbon dioxide flux into photosynthesis and respiration components.
- Documentation: https://fluxpart.readthedocs.io
- Sources: https://github.com/usda-ars-ussl/fluxpart
- Implements the Scanlon and Sahu (2008) procedure for partitioning eddy covariance measurements of water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes into stomatal (transpiration, photosynthesis) and nonstomatal (evaporation, respiration) components.
- Includes capabilities for applying basic QA/QC to high-frequency eddy covariance data, for correcting high frequency data for external fluctuations associated with air temperature and vapor density, and for estimating leaf-level water use efficiency.
Update March 5, 2019: The previously recommended installation method, using an environment.yml file hosted on Anaconda Cloud, has proven unreliable. Apologies if this caused a problem.
To install and create a conda fluxpart environment, do this instead. Open this link,
and right click on the page. Select "save as" and name the saved file environment.yml. Navigate to the directory where you saved environment.yml, and execute:
conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate fp02
Alternatively, if you don't want the full environment:
conda install -c ussl fluxpart or: pip install fluxpart
- U.S.: Public Domain
- International: CC0
How to Cite
T. H. Skaggs, R. G. Anderson, J. G. Alfieri, T. M. Scanlon, W. P. Kustas (2018). Fluxpart: Open source software for partitioning carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 253--254:218--224, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.02.019.