
WTForms integration for Frasco

pip install frasco-forms==0.3



Provides forms creation and management to your application using WTForms and Flask-WTF.


pip install frasco-forms


Feature name: forms


  • upload_backend: the backend to use when uploading files (default: local)
  • upload_dir: the directory where uploaded files will be saved when using the local backend (default: uploads)
  • upload_url: base url path for uploaded files (default: /uploads)
  • upload_uuid_prefixes: whether to prepend an UUID to the filename of uploaded files (default: True)
  • upload_keep_filenames: whether to keep the original filename in the uploaded file's filename (default: True)
  • upload_subfolders: whether to use a subfolders structure to store uploaded files when using This is useful when many files are planned to be uploaded as some OSes have limits on the number of files inside a single folder (default: False)
  • csrf_enabled: whether to enable Cross Site Request Forgery protection (default: True)
  • import_macros: import macros provided by the feature (default: True)



Initialize an instance of the specified form and validates when a POST request is submitted. If no name is provider or if it does not reference an existing form, the form will be built using using the template.

See the "Defining forms in template" section.

Depending on the result of the validation (unless validate_on_submit is False), an action group will be triggered: if successful, form_submitted is triggered, if failed, form_validation_failed is triggered.


  • name (default): the name of the form to use (optional)
  • obj: an object to pre-fill the form with (optional)
  • template: the filename of the template where the form is defined (optional)
  • var_name: the variable name of the form instance when building the form from a template (optional)
  • validate_on_submit: whether to automatically validate the form when the request method is POST (default: True)
  • exit_on_failure: whether to exit the context on validation failure (default: True)
  • csrf_enabled: whether to enable Cross Site Request Forgery protection (default: the value of the csrf_enabled option)

Returns a form instance Default variable assignment: $form


Creates a form from information in the view from which the action is called


  • name (default): the name of the form to use
  • var_name: the variable name of the form instance (optional)

Returns a form class Default variable assignment: $form_class


Creates a form from information in the specified template


  • name: the name of the form to use
  • template: the filename of the template where the form is defined
  • var_name: the variable name of the form instance (default: form)

Returns a form class Default variable assignment: $form_class


Validates the current or specified form.

Depending on the result of the validation (unless return_success is True), an action group will be triggered: if successful, form_submitted is triggered, if failed, form_validation_failed is triggered.


  • form (default): the form instance (default: the current form)
  • return_success: whether to return a boolean instead of triggering an action group (default: False)
  • exit_on_failure: whether to exit the context on failure (default: True)


Populates an object with the form's data.


  • obj (default): an object (default: a new instance of frasco.utils.AttrDict)
  • form: the form instance (default: the current form)

Defining forms in templates

Frasco-Forms gives you the possibility to quickly define forms directly in the template.

When the form action is used without a name option or with one not referencing an existing form class, a form class will be created from the view's template.

Defining forms is almost like using a pre-defined form but with added information on the type of the field.

To do so, you'll need to call a method named after the type of the field on each field. So if you want to define a "firstname" field as a text field, you can do form.firstname.text().

Let's define a signup form:

<form action="" method="post">
    {{ form.csrf_token() }}
    <p><label>First name</label> {{ form.firstname.text() }}</p>
    <p><label>Last name</label> {{ form.lastname.text() }}</p>
    <p><label>Email</label> {{ }}</p>
    <p><label>Password</label> {{ form.password.password() }}</p>

The optional parameters of the field definition functions are:

  • label: the field's label (can also be define as the first argument)
  • description: the field's description
  • required: boolean, default false
  • optional: boolean, default false
  • range: a tuple of (min, max), value should be a number in the range
  • length: a tuple of (min, max), value should be of string of length in the range
  • validators: a list of validator names from wtforms.validators

Available field types and their actual class:

  • checkbox: wtforms.fields.BooleanField
  • decimal: wtforms.fields.DecimalField
  • date: wtforms.fields.DateField
  • datetime: wtforms.fields.DateTimeField
  • float: wtforms.fields.FloatField
  • int: wtforms.fields.IntegerField
  • radio: wtforms.fields.RadioField
  • select: wtforms.fields.SelectField
  • selectmulti: wtforms.fields.SelectMultipleField
  • text: wtforms.fields.StringField
  • textarea: wtforms.fields.TextAreaField
  • password: wtforms.fields.PasswordField
  • upload: wtforms.fields.FileField
  • hidden: wtforms.fields.HiddenField
  • date5: wtforms.fields.html5.DateField
  • datetime5: wtforms.fields.html5.DateTimeField
  • datetimelocal: wtforms.fields.html5.DateTimeLocalField
  • decimal5: wtforms.fields.html5.DecimalField
  • decimalrange: wtforms.fields.html5.DecimalRangeField
  • email: wtforms.fields.html5.EmailField
  • int5: wtforms.fields.html5.IntegerField
  • intrange: wtforms.fields.html5.IntegerRangeField
  • search: wtforms.fields.html5.SearchField
  • tel: wtforms.fields.html5.TelField
  • url: wtforms.fields.html5.URLField

Defining reusable forms

You can define reusable forms using template by creating html files in the forms folder at the root of your project. These files are standard templates in which you can define you forms as described in the previous section. The form instance will always be available as the form variable.

You can then use these forms with the form action by referencing their name (ie. the filename without the .html extension). Finally, you can invoke the form instance like a function to render the template.

For example, let's define forms/SignupForm.html:

<{ form_tag form=form }>
    <{ form_field field=form.firstname.text() }/>
    <{ form_field field=form.lastname.text() }/>
    <{ form_field }/>
    <{ form_field field=form.password.password() }/>
    <{ form_btn }/>
</{ form_tag }>

Then in a view:

url: /signup
  - form: SignupForm
{{ form() }}

Keyword arguments used when calling form() will be available as variables in the form template.

Defining forms programmatically

You can create form classes programmatically by subclassing frasco_forms.form.Form and then registering them by calling register(form_class) on the feature:

from frasco_forms import Form, fields

class SignupForm(Form):
    firstname = fields.text()
    lastname = fields.text()
    email =
    password = fields.password()

# ...


Then you can use the form action with the template name SignupForm:

url: /
  - form: SignupForm

fields is just an object which provide a quick way to initialize field classes. For example, fields.text directly maps to wtforms.fields.StringField and takes the same arguments as the latter.

Template macros


Prints the <form> tag and hidden fields (including the csrf token).

<{ form_tag form=form }>
    {{ form.firstname.text() }}
</{ form_tag }>


Wraps a field inside a paragraph and prints the label before the field (unless if it's a checkbox). Also prints a span element with an error class containing error messages and a span element with a description class and the field's description when applicable.

<{ form_tag form=form }>
    <{ form_field field=form.firstname.text() }/>
</{ form_tag }>


Print a submit button wrapped in a paragraph with the button class. The default label is "Submit" and it can be overrided with the label option.

<{ form_tag form=form }>
    <{ form_field field=form.firstname.text() }/>
    <{ form_btn }/>
</{ form_tag }>

Uploading files

Frasco-Forms makes it really easy to upload files. The way uploaded files are stored can be changed using custom backends but only the local backend is included. It stores files in the folder defined by the upload_dir option.

To upload a file, you'll need to use the upload field in your form. When the form is submitted, the value of the field will be a safe filename which is generated according to the rules defined in the options.

Note: when using the local backend, the filename is relative to the upload folder.

The upload field can take a allowed_exts parameter with a list of allowed file extensions.

To get the url associated to uploaded files, you can use url_for_upload which is a template global (or importable using from frasco_forms import url_for_upload). It takes as parameter the filename as returned by the upload field.

Example, uploading a file and storing the filename using a model from Frasco-Models:

url: /upload
  - form
  - save_form_model: Image
<{ form_tag form=form }>
    <{ form_field field=form.filename.upload(required=True, allowed_exts=["jpg", "png"]) }/>
    <{ form_btn }/>
</{ form_tag }>

Referencing the uploaded file:

url: /images
  - find_models: Image
{% for img in images %}
    <img src="{{ url_for_upload(img.filename) }}" alt="">
{% endfor %}

Creating a custom upload backend

Upload backends are classes which must implement two methods:

  • save(file, filename): will be called to save the file. The first argument is a file object (from Flask's request.files) and the second the filename generated by the upload field
  • url_for(filename): must return the url from which the file referenced by the filename is accessible

To register your backend, apply the file_upload_backend decorator on your class with a short name as only argument.

from frasco_forms import file_upload_backend

class MyBackend(object):
    def save(self, file, filename):

    def url_for(self, filename):


  • form_validation_failed:
    • form: the form instance
  • form_submitted:
    • form: the form instance
  • form_created_from_view:
    • view: the view instance
    • form_class: the form class