
The package is used to simulate the emission of gravitational waves from a cluster of black holes

Gravitational, Waves, Black, Holes, Simulation
pip install freqle==1.2.2



Frequency from Black Holes is an asset containing some useful methods to simulate the emission of gravitational waves from ultralight boson clouds, around black holes in globular clusters.

Installation: to install the package use

pip install freqle


A brief guide about how to use the package


Is the main class in freqle. It contains the fundamental methods for running the simulations.

  • Parameters :
    • obs_distance : float, optional Default is 200
      Distance in kpc between the observer and the cluster.

    • cluster_eta : float, optional Default is 1.000
      Age of the cluster in years.

    • Nbh : int, optional Default is 20.000
      Number of Black Holes simulated in the cluster.

    • mass_dis : float, optional Default is Kroupa
      Distribution used to randomly generate black holes masses.

    • mass_range : 1D array, optional Default is [5, 25]
      Range of black holes masses.

    • spin_dis : {'gauss', 'lin'}, optional Default is gauss
      Distribution used to randomly generate spins that will be assigned to the black holes. The options are linear 'lin' or gaussian 'gauss'. In case gauss is chosen an array of float is generated

      _ = numpy.arange(min_spin, max_spin, step)    

      where step is given by

      step = (max_spin - min_spin) / Nbh.

      _ is a numpy array of lenght Nbh. Spin values are extracted from _ using an array of probabilities p generated by

      gaussian = rnd.normal(spin_mean, self. spin_sigma, int(1e6)) 
      h, bin_edges = np.histogram(gaussian, bins = self.Nbh, density = True)
      p = h * np.diff(bin_edges)

      than a simple random choice is used

      spins = numpy.random.choice(_, size = Nbh, p = p)
    • spin_range : 1D array, optional Default is [0.2, 0.9]
      Range of black holes spins. Note: Values above 0.6 should be avoided.

    • spin_mean : float, optional Only used if spin_dis == 'gauss'. Default is 0.4
      Mean value of the gaussian distribution used to extract spin values.

    • spin_sigma : float, optional Only used if spin_dis == 'gauss'. Default is 0.2
      Sigma value of the gaussian distribution used to extract spin values.

    • n_mus : float, optional Default value is 300
      Number of boson masses sampled.

    • mu_min : float, optional Default value is 2.15e-13
      Minimum value for the boson mass grid. Default value is chosen to give the best accuracy (lower number of discarted points)

    • mu_max : float, optional Default value is 1.27e-12
      Maximum value for the boson mass grid. Default value is chosen to give the best accuracy (lowest number of discarted points)

    • scale : {'lin', 'log'}, optional Default is 'lin'
      Scale used to sample the mass grid.

    • verbose or v: bool, optional Default is False
      If True informations are printed

    • multiple_runs : Not implemented yet

    • Nrun : Not implemented yet