
Plotting lineage abundance for individual samples from aggregated freyja demix results

freyja, plot, lineage, abundance, covid
pip install freyja-plot==0.7.0



Plotting lineage abundance for individual samples from aggregated freyja demix results

Example Lineage Abundance Plot


pip install freyja-plot


freyja-plot enables the production of plots from aggregated freyja data. This can be acquired after two Freyja steps. See the Freyja docs for more details.

  1. freyja demix [variants-file] [depth-file] --output [output-file]
  2. freyja aggregate [directory-of-output-files] --output [aggregated-filename.tsv]

freyja-plot just needs the output file from freyja aggregate: [aggregated-filename.tsv].


Create a freyja plotter with one or more files

from freyja_plot import FreyjaPlotter

# single batch plotter from one file
plotter = FreyjaPlotter("examples/wastewater-freyja-aggregated.tsv")

# single batch plotter with multiple input files
# note: default behavior assumes multiple files should be compared, so set compare=False to avoid this
multi_file_plotter = FreyjaPlotter(

Create a freyja plotter for comparing samples across batches

Note: this requires a different file for each batch.

from freyja_plot import FreyjaPlotter

# comparison plotter, derived names
comp_plotter_derived_names = FreyjaPlotter([

# comparison plotter, customized batch names (this uses a dict as input)
# note: the value associated with each filename key will be appended to each sample name when plotted
comp_plotter_explicit_names = FreyjaPlotter({


Plotting works the same whether comparing multiple batches or viewing a single set of samples, so we'll simplify our several plotter examples from above into one plotter. The method FreyjaPlotter.plotLineages() returns a plotly figure that can be used for further analysis. If a filename is given, the fig will be saved there. freyja-plot currently supports html and png files. Writing .png files may not work... see this link for more details.

# simple plot of lineage abundances for all samples in file

With more samples or more varied samples, the above non-summarized plot may take a while to produce. Sometimes, it may be more useful to get a summarized view of the lineages and their abundance in each sample.


To view higher level lineage assignments with the non-summarized freyja output, the superlineage flag can be used. The base superlineage is demarked level 0. Each next sublineage (to the next ".") can be attained by adding 1 for each sublineage desired. 'BA.5.1' with a requested sublineage of 0 would return 'BA.*', as would a sample with the lineage 'BA'. For less specific lineages, if the superlineage level gets to high, the most specific lineage possible will be returned. 'BA.5.1' with a requested sublineage of 5 would still only return 'BA.5.1'.

# plotting superlineage, level 0: e.g. BA.* ()
fig1 = plotter.plotLineages(superlineage=0,fn="superlineage_abundance_example.html")
# plotting superlineage, level 2: e.g. BA.5.1.* ()
fig2 = plotter.plotLineages(superlineage=2,fn="superlineage_abundance_example.html")

To stack multiple lineage plots

plotter.plotLineages([fig1,fig2],["Fig 1 Title","Fig 2 Title"],fn="combined_plots_example.html")

Example plots

Here's an example plot from a single batch.


Here's an example plot from a batch comparison with summarized=True.


Did you notice how some samples are missing labels in the example plots when presented as .png files? If you zoom in or expand the html version of the plot enough (or you have fewer samples per plot), missing names should appear.


If you run the script, some test png/html files will be produced in a new directory ./example/test_images. They should look like the images above in this tutorial.

Additional functionality

To see what else you can do, use python's help() function. Here's a useful excerpt from the portion that's most useful.

>>> import freyja_plot
>>> help(freyja_plot.FreyjaPlotter)
    summarized=False, superlineage=None, minimum=0.05, 
    fn=None, title='Freyja lineage prevalence', samples='all', 
    include_pattern=None, exclude_pattern=None)
Returns plot of stacked bars showing lineage abundances for each sample

    `summarized` (bool): whether to use summarized lineages or all, defaults to False
    `superlineage` (int|None): number of superlineages to consider, ignored if not provided, 0 is the base lineage, defaults to None
    `minimum` (float): minimum abundance value to include in plot - anything less is categorized in "Other", defualts to 0.05
    `fn` (str|Path): where to write fig, if provided, defaults to None
    `title` (str): plot title, defualts to "Freyja lineage prevalence"
    `samples` (list|"all"): only the listed samples will be plotted
    `include_pattern` (str): samples to include like "sample1|sample2"
    `exclude_pattern` (str): samples to exclude like "sample1|sample2"