
A project folder for plone.

ftw, workspace, project, folder, plone
pip install ftw.workspace==1.6.2



ftw.workspace provides a full featured project folder for Plone.

It uses ftw.tabbedview and ftw.activity to give you a overview view what happens in your project.

What could happen in your project you're asking?

  • Share files
    • Multi-upload using collective.quickupload - You are able to directly drop files into the Workspace, the Quickupload portlet is not necessary.
    • ftw.file provides a journal, versions, D'n'D file replacement, and much more.
    • Seperate Tabs, which shows all files, including filtering and Image preview.
  • Manage your Team.
    • Extend your Team with ftw.participation. Invite external an internal people to collaborate.
    • Overview of who is collaborating and open invitations.
  • Meetings and Events
    • Add Meetings or Events.
    • Overview of all Meetings and Events as list or FullCalendar using ftw.calendar.
  • General features
    • Download all necessary informations of the Workspace as PDF.
    • Once you're done with the Project you can Download everything as ZIP-File.
    • Shows activities (Add, Modify, Delete, etc.)
    • Uploaded something interesting? Notify the People you want with ftw.notification.
    • All Informations are fast accessible thru Tabs.
    • Create Project structures with Folders.
    • Global Overview of all your Projects with the @@workspaces_view.
    • Using ExtJS for tabular listings.
    • Move and delete files directly in listings.

Integrated AddOns

``egov.contactdirectory`` is implemented as extras:

eggs =+
    ftw.workspace [contact]

An additional profile is implemented which adds a new Tab to the Workspace and make the Contacts addable.

PDF generation is implemented as extras:

eggs =+
    ftw.workspace [pdf]

Consider not installing it, if PDFLatex binaries are missing.

ZIP Extraction: The package integrates well with ftw.zipextract, making it possbile to extract an uploaded ZIP file on the server:

eggs =+
    ftw.workspace [zip_extract]

Possible AddOns

You may extend the Workspace by the following features.

  • izug.ticketbox
  • ftw.mail
  • ftw.book
  • ftw.blog
  • ftw.contentpage
  • ftw.labels
  • ftw.downloadtoken
  • ftw.quota
  • ftw.avatar

Example Workflow

ftw.workspace is shipped with a ftw.lawgiver based default workflow for Workspaces. You need to copy the workflow specifications of all three workflows (incl. placeful workflow policy) to your policy package and generate the necessary definition.xml using ftw.lawgiver. Check ftw.lawgiver for further informations. You may also update the placeful workflow mappings with other types used in Workspaces.


ftw.workspace Version 2.0.0 and greater only supports Plone 4.3.x

Use ftw.workspace Version 1.7.x for Plone 4.1 and Plone 4.2.


  • Install the package by adding it to your buildout configuration:
eggs =+
  • Install the generic setup profile.



This package is copyright by 4teamwork.

ftw.workspace is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.