
Funpay Scraper

beautifulsoup, bs4, funpay, pypi, pypi-package, pypi-source, requests, scrapping
pip install funpay-scrapper==0.1.3


Funpay Scrapper

Upload Python Package

This library provides convenient methods for scraping data from Funpay, a popular online marketplace for buying and selling game items.


The Profile class represents a Funpay profile and provides methods for retrieving information about the profile.

  • get_data(): Retrieves the raw HTML data of the profile.
  • rating(): Returns the rating of the profile.
  • nickname(): Returns the nickname of the profile.
  • offers(): Returns a list of offers made by the profile.


The Lots class represents a Funpay Lots object and provides methods for retrieving information about the lots.

  • get_data(): Retrieves the raw HTML data of the lots.
  • clean_text(text): Cleans the text by removing extra whitespace and stripping.
  • lots_links(max_limit=10): Returns a dictionary of lots links.
  • sort_lots(sort_by="lowest"): Sorts the lots links by cost.


from funpay_scrapper.profile import Profile
from funpay_scrapper.lots import Lots

profile = Profile(5682424) # Initializes the Profile object
print(profile.rating()) # Output: ?
print(profile.nickname()) # Output: Syirezz


lots = Lots(1264) # Initializes the Lots object
x = lots.lots_links(10) # Returns a dictionary of lots links. The maximum number of lots links is 10 or more.
for key, value in x.items():
    print(key, value) # Prints the dictionary of lots links
# Output:
# 1 {'href': '', 'cost': '189.71 ₽', 'seller': 'zvadizz01'}
# 2 {'href': '', 'cost': '191.90 ₽', 'seller': 'N3CRO88'}
# 3 {'href': '', 'cost': '192.06 ₽', 'seller': 'KeyShop4ik'}
# 4 {'href': '', 'cost': '193.23 ₽', 'seller': 'cympaynopom'}
# 5 {'href': '', 'cost': '193.23 ₽', 'seller': 'ZhannaStewardess'}
# 6 {'href': '', 'cost': '194.09 ₽', 'seller': 'Bibba'}
# 7 {'href': '', 'cost': '195.55 ₽', 'seller': 'BoBka92PMT'}
# 8 {'href': '', 'cost': '195.57 ₽', 'seller': 'nikzpisdili'}
# 9 {'href': '', 'cost': '195.58 ₽', 'seller': 'GoodGameKeys'}
# 10 {'href': '', 'cost': '196.74 ₽', 'seller': 'Gastello29'}

from funpay_scrapper.utils import Chat, Home

chat = Chat() # Initializes the Chat object
for message in chat.chat_messages():
    print(message, chat.chat_messages()[message]) # Prints the chat messages

home = Home() # Initializes the Home object
print(home.find_game("AFK Arena")) # Output: True, lINK(HREF)  | Warning! Please don't confuse chips id with lots id!