
A client library for FusionAuth

fusionauth, fusionauth-client, python, python3, rest-client
pip install fusionauth-client==1.56.0


FusionAuth Python Client semver 2.0.0 compliant


If you're integrating FusionAuth with a Python 3 application, this library will speed up your development time. Please also make sure to check our SDK Usage Suggestions page.

For additional information and documentation on FusionAuth refer to https://fusionauth.io.


To install the FusionAuth Python Client package run:

pip install fusionauth-client

This library can be found on PyPI at https://pypi.org/project/fusionauth-client/.


Set Up

First, you have to make sure you have a running FusionAuth instance. If you don't have one already, the easiest way to install FusionAuth is via Docker, but there are other ways. By default, it'll be running on localhost:9011.

Then, you have to create an API Key in the admin UI to allow calling API endpoints.

You are now ready to use this library.

Create the Client

Include the package in your code by using the following statement.

from fusionauth.fusionauth_client import FusionAuthClient

Now you're ready to begin making requests to FusionAuth. You will need to supply an API key you created in FusionAuth, the following example assumes an API key of 6b87a398-39f2-4692-927b-13188a81a9a3.

client = FusionAuthClient('6b87a398-39f2-4692-927b-13188a81a9a3', 'http://localhost:9011')

Error Handling

After every request is made, you need to check for any errors and handle them. To avoid cluttering things up, we'll omit the error handling in the next examples, but you should do something like the following.

Create an Application

To create an Application, use the create_application() method.

data = {
    'application': {
        'name': 'ChangeBank'

result = client.create_application(data)

# Handle errors as shown in the beginning of the Examples section

# Otherwise parse the successful response

Check the API docs for this endpoint

Adding Roles to an Existing Application

To add roles to an Application, use create_application_role().

data = {
    'role': {
        'name': 'customer',
        'description': 'Default role for regular customers',
        'isDefault': 1

result = client.create_application_role(

# Handle errors as shown in the beginning of the Examples section

# Otherwise parse the successful response

Check the API docs for this endpoint

Retrieve Application Details

To fetch details about an Application, use retrieve_application().

result = client.retrieve_application(

Check the API docs for this endpoint

Delete an Application

To delete an Application, use delete_application().


Check the API docs for this endpoint

Lock a User

To prevent a User from logging in, use deactivate_user().


Check the API docs for this endpoint

Registering a User

To register a User in an Application, use register().

The code below also adds a customer role and a custom appBackgroundColor property to the User Registration.

result = client.register(
        'registration': {
            'applicationId': '5a89377e-a250-4b15-b766-377ecc9b9fc9',
            'roles': [
            'data': {
                'appBackgroundColor': '#096324'

Check the API docs for this endpoint

Questions and support

If you find any bugs in this library, please open an issue. Note that changes to the FusionAuthClient class have to be done on the FusionAuth Client Builder repository, which is responsible for generating that file.

But if you have a question or support issue, we'd love to hear from you.

If you have a paid plan with support included, please open a ticket in your account portal. Learn more about paid plan here.

Otherwise, please post your question in the community forum.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-python-client.

Note: if you want to change the FusionAuthClient class, you have to do it on the FusionAuth Client Builder repository, which is responsible for generating all client libraries we support.


This code is available as open source under the terms of the Apache v2.0 License.

Upgrade Policy

This library is built automatically to keep track of the FusionAuth API, and may also receive updates with bug fixes, security patches, tests, code samples, or documentation changes.

These releases may also update dependencies, language engines, and operating systems, as we'll follow the deprecation and sunsetting policies of the underlying technologies that it uses.

This means that after a dependency (e.g. language, framework, or operating system) is deprecated by its maintainer, this library will also be deprecated by us, and will eventually be updated to use a newer version.