
A command-line interface tool for fetching FC Ultimate Team data (futgg scraper)

pip install futcli==0.1.2


FC Ultimate Team CLI (futcli)

The futcli is a Python-based tool designed to provide users with quick access to FC Ulimate Team (FUT) contents such as SBCs and Evolutions.

pre-commit pypi version


  • Query SBC Content: Retrieve SBC items: including name, price, expiration, challenges, and repeatable status. sbc-players-output.png
  • Query Evolutions Content: Retrieve Evolutions items including name, price, requirements, upgrades, expiration, levels, and the number of players involved. evolutions-output.png
  • JSON or Table Formats: Display data in either JSON or table formats for easy readability and/or consumability.
    ➜  ~ futcli -o json sbc.challenges
            "Name": "Daily Fantasy FC Challenge",
            "New": "no",
            "Price": "",
            "Expiration": "12 days",
            "Challenges": "1",
            "Repeatable": "1",
            "Refreshes": "24 hours"
            "Name": "Marquee Matchups",
            "New": "no",
            "Price": "",
            "Expiration": "4 days",
            "Challenges": "4",
            "Repeatable": "-",
            "Refreshes": "-"
            "Name": "UEFA Marquee Matchups",
            "New": "no",
            "Price": "",
            "Expiration": "1 day",
            "Challenges": "2",
            "Repeatable": "-",
            "Refreshes": "-"


To install futcli, simply use pip:

pip install futcli


For more information about available options and usage, you can use the -h or --help:

➜  ~ futcli -h
usage: futcli [-h] [-o {table,json}] [sbc.{options}, evolutions] ...

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-o {table,json}, --output {table,json}
                        Choose the output format (table or json).

[sbc.{options}, evolutions]
    sbc.foundations     Outputs list of SBC foundations
    sbc.challenges      Outputs list of SBC challenges
    sbc.players         Outputs list of SBC players
    sbc.exchanges       Outputs list of SBC exchanges
    sbc.upgrades        Outputs list of SBC upgrades
    sbc.icons           Outputs list of SBC icons
    sbc                 Outputs list of all SBC types
    evolutions          Outputs list of all active Evolutions


futcli relies on the following Python packages:

  • requests: For making HTTP requests and fetching HTML content from https://www.fut.gg
  • beautifulsoup4: For parsing HTML content and extracting data from web pages.
  • tabulate: For formatting data into visually appealing tables in the terminal.


Contributions to futcli are welcome! If you encounter any bugs, issues, or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


futcli is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.