
A wrapper/utility to make it easy to use FileWave with Docker

filewave, docker, mdm, distribution
pip install fwdocker==0.4.6



This is a program that makes it easy to install a docker version of the FileWave MDM product.

The program provides the ability to:

  1. start a FileWave MDM Server with an attached data volume (this is best practise)
  2. access the server via a standard Unix shell
  3. access the attached data volume via a standard Unix shell
  4. use basic commands on the service such as start / stop
  5. obtain logging information

FileWave MDM is split into two parts - a data container, and a runtime container. The data container holds the configuration, database, certificates and logs etc. The data container is what is used to back up a FileWave installation.

The runtime container holds all the binaries for a particular version of FileWave, and attaches to the data container.

By separating out the data from the runtime its easy to backup and upgrade your FileWave installation on Docker.

Getting Started

To run FileWave, simply type this:

# ./fwdocker.py --init <filewave version, default is "11.2.1">

This will:

  1. create a data volume container if it doesn't already exist
  2. create a runtime container for the FileWave MDM system and link with the data volume
  3. start the FileWave MDM system - please note, the first time can take 5-10 minutes while components are installed and configured

What can fwdocker do?

The purpose of fwdocker.py is to simplifying using Docker to run FileWave. By using fwdocker you will easily get a FileWave MDM system up and running in minutes.

Use the -h (or --help) command to get a description of the commands that fwdocker accepts.

Upgrading / Migration

Upgrades and migrations ONLY occur automatically when the container is started for the first time. This is is when the appropriate binaries are downloaded, unpacked and installed via RPM.

Accessing the Data Volume via Terminal

Use fwdocker.py to spawn a shell attached to the data volume - in this instance you will NOT see any of the runtime associated with the FileWave MDM Server. To do this, run the following command:

# $(./fwdocker.py --data)

Accessing the FileWave MDM Server via Terminal

Use fwdocker.py to spawn a shell attached to the FileWave MDM Server:

# $(./fwdocker.py --shell)

Publishing the package to PyPi

Please check the following link for more information: http://peterdowns.com/posts/first-time-with-pypi.html

If you want to publish a new version, remember to increment the version in fwdocker/fwdocker.py - otherwise the sdist upload command will fail.

To publish, do the following two steps with any python interpreter:

$ python setup.py build
$ python setup.py sdist upload -r pypitest

When the world is in order and things work, e.g. you have checked out that the code works on the staging PyPi services available here https://testpypi.python.org/pypi, then you can publish to the world at large:

$ python setup.py sdist upload -r pypi