
Profiling genes encoding the adaptive immune receptor repertoire with gAIRR Suite.

AIRR, annotation, allele, typing, novel
pip install gAIRR-suite==0.2.0


Updated: May 5, 2022




The pipeline uses the capture-based short reads and the alleles downloaded from IMGT database to

  • Find novel alleles
  • Call alleles (including both known and novel alleles)
  • Assemble and haplotype flanking sequences

To run the pipeline, BWA aligner (0.7.17) and SPAdes assembler (v3.13.0) should be installed. Python3 (3.7.13) module numpy (1.17.0) and pyfastx (0.8.4) also needs to be installed.

The path parameters in should be specified:

  • workspace: the directory all results and intermediate data be stored (e.g. "./target_call/").
  • path_SPAdes: the path to the installed (e.g. "../SPAdes-3.11.1-Linux/bin/")

The below three parameters indicate the interested allele reference (IMGT) fasta files.

  • list_allele_name: target allele types (e.g. "TCRV TCRJ BCRV BCRJ")
  • allele_dir: the directory IMGT allele fasta file store (e.g. "../IMGT_alleles/")
  • allele_suffix: the suffix of allele fasta file, should agree with the real file name ( e.g."_alleles.fasta")

The final three parameters indicate the target sequencing fasta files.

  • person_name: person's id (e.g. "NA12878").
  • read_path_1: capture-based short reads R1 fasta file (e.g. "NA12878_S46_R1.fasta").
  • read_path_2: capture-based short reads R2 fasta file (e.g. "NA12878_S46_R2.fasta").

Below paths in the use NA24385 and TCRV as examples.

Find novel alleles

Shell script:

./scripts/ ${workspace} ${allele_name} ${allele_path} ${person_name} ${read_path_1} ${read_path_2}

The pipeline aligns capture-based short reads to IMGT alleles with BWA MEM. Then the program finds the variant in each alleles. If threre are variants, the program haplotypes the allele and call the haplotypes not in the IMGT database as novel allele candidates.

Since the correction is done on each allele separately, two alleles may generate the same novel allele candidate. It is also possible that the generated novel allele is infact another known allele. For example, the corrected TRAV21*01_corrected is the same as TRAV21*02. To deal with duplication problems, filters the corrected_alleles_raw.fasta to corrected_alleles_filtered.fasta. Those duplicated sequence are elimitated.

Generated files:

target_call/NA24385_TCRV_novel/corrected_alleles_filtered.fasta is all the novel allele candidates fasta file. target_call/NA24385_TCRV_novel/TCRV_with_novel.fasta is the merged allele file containing IMGT alleles and haplotyped novel allele candidates.

Call alleles

Shell script:

./scripts/ ${workspace} ${allele_name} ${allele_path} ${person_name} ${read_path_1} ${read_path_2}

The pipeline finds if the alleles in the merged fasta file (containing both IMGT and novel alleles) are positive (possessed by the person). In, the capture-based short reads are aligned to the merged allele fasta file with BWA MEM again. This time the "-a" option of BWA is used to ensure that the alleles can be reached by any potential reads. Afterward, filters out reads with edit-distance (mismatches or indels) and reads with coverage length below a threshold (minimum between 100 or allele length in the code).

For each allele, a histogram on all positions of the allele is built. The read-depth of all filtered alleles are accumulated in the histogram. The minimum value in the histogram (the mimnum filtered read depth of the allele) is the calling score of the allele. Empirically, the scores (minimum read-depth) of the true alleles are way larger than those of false alleles.

Generated files:

target_call/NA24385_TCRV/read_depth_calling_by_bwa.rpt reports all the alleles sorted by their scores (minimum read-depth). target_call/NA24385_TCRV/gAIRR-call_report.rpt reports the positive alleles with the adaptive threshold. target_call/NA24385_TCRV/allele_support_reads.pickle is a pickle file containing a dictionary. The dictionary indicates the names of the read supporting each alleles. The dictionary key is the allele name and the dictionary value is a set containing all reads support (perfectly match with enough length coverage) the allele.

Assemble and haplotype flanking sequences

Shell script:

./scripts/ ${workspace} ${allele_name} ${allele_path} ${person_name} ${read_path_1} ${read_path_2} ${path_SPAdes}

The first groups pair-end read sequences and allele sequences in the directory target_call/NA24385_TCRV_flanking/group_allele_reads/ according to target_call/NA24385_TCRV/allele_support_reads.pickle. Then the sub-pipeline uses SPAdes to assemble each short reads group into an unphased flanking contig (backbone). Afterward, each allele has a backbone in the target_call/NA24385_TCRV_flanking/asm_contigs/ directory.

The sub-pipeline also use BWA MEM to align alleles to the backbone to check the correctness of the backbone. Those backbones do not contain perfectly matched contig are discarded. The the start and end positions of the allele in qualified backbones are marked by

target_call/NA24385_TCRV_flanking/flanking_result/flank_region.txt is the start-end report and target_call/NA24385_TCRV_flanking/flanking_result/flanking_contigs.fasta is the backbone collections.

Finally the align all the capture-based reads to the backbones target_call/NA24385_TCRV_flanking/flanking_result/flanking_contigs.fasta, the sam file is haplotyped by The region extending 200 bps from two ends of the original allele is cropped and reported as the flanking sequences.

Generated file:

target_call/NA24385_TCRV_flanking/flanking_result/flanking_haplotypes.fasta is the final called flanking sequences.




The pipeline uses the personal assembly contigs and the alleles downloaded from IMGT database to

  • Call alleles (novel alleles are marked)
  • Call flanking sequences

To run the pipeline, BWA aligner should be installed.

The path parameters in should be specified:

  • outer_dir: the directory all results and intermediate data be stored (e.g. "./target_annotation/")
  • list_allele_name: target allele types (e.g. "TCRV TCRJ BCRV")
  • allele_dir: the directory IMGT allele fasta file store (e.g. "../IMGT_alleles/")
  • allele_suffix: the suffix of allele fasta file, should agree with the real file name ( e.g."_alleles.fasta")
  • person_name: person's id (e.g. "NA12878")
  • asm_path_H1: personal assembly H1 contig fasta file (e.g. "../asm_NA12878/NA12878-H1.fa")
  • asm_path_H2: personal assembly H2 contig fasta file (e.g. "../asm_NA12878/NA12878-H2.fa")

The pipeline first indexes the personalized assembly and aligns IMGT alleles to the assembly with BWT. Afterward, analyzes the alignment sam file. The perfectly matched alleles are kept and aligned alleles with edit-distance are seen as novel alleles. Finally utilize the previous alignment sam file and crop the flanking sequence from the personal assembly fasta file.

Generated files:

target_annotation/annotation_imperfect_NA12878_TCRV.txt is the report showing the aligned allele, aligned contig, contig position, and alignment length. If there are edit-distance in the alignment, the report shows additional tag the same as sam format. target_annotation/novel_NA12878_TCRV.fasta is the collection of novel alleles. target_annotation/flanking_NA12878_TCRV.fasta is the collection of flanking sequence (including novel alleles).

checking RSS



The pipeline uses the RSS and separated heptamer and nonamer sequences downloaded from IMGT database to check if there are proper RSS pattern in the flanking sequences

To run the pipeline, BWA aligner should be installed.

The pipeline first align all the known IMGT RSS to the flanking sequences to check if there are identical or near-identical RSS pattern. The flanking sequences missing RSS are then recorded in RSS_checking/first_scan/missing_RSS_HG002-part_TCRJ_first_scan.fasta and passed to second scanning. The second scanning aligned heptamer and nonamer sequences separately to the flanking sequences and try to identify heptamer-nonamer pairs that resemble proper RSSs.

Generated files: RSS_checking/first_scan/database_HG002-part_TCRJ_first_scan.csv is the RSS report file of HG002-part. It indicate if the RSS are known, novel or could not be found after first scanning. RSS_checking/second_scan/database_HG002-part_TCRJ_second_scan.csv is the RSS report file of the flanking sequences that missed RSS in the first scanning.

Data collection pipeline



The pipeline collects the novel and flanking sequence database into database files. The duplicated novel or flanking sequences will be collapsed into one. Taking TRV novel allele as an example, generated file database_novel_TRV.tsv indicates which samples possess which novel allele, and database_novel_TRV.fasta recorded the novel allele sequence.

For samples with multiple assembly. Consensus allele result can be get from pipeline. Taking database_novel_TRV.tsv and database_novel_TRV.fasta as input, will generate database_novel_TRV_consensus.tsv and database_novel_TRV_consensus.fasta as output according to ./example/samples/consensus_name_HGSVC.log.

In ./example/samples/consensus_name_HGSVC.log, terms are separated by space. The first term is the consensus name while the later terms indicate the samples' different assembly id.


The example/material/ directory contains IMGT allele sequences and RSS information. The example/samples/ containts two miniature samples. HG002_part_gAIRR-seq_R1.fasta and HG002_part_gAIRR-seq_R2.fasta are a small part of the pair-end gAIRR-seq reads sequenced from HG002. HG002-S22-H1-000000F_1900000-2900000.fasta is a genome assembly sequence extracted from (Garg, S. et al, 2021). The genome sequence is the 1900000:2900000 segment from the contig HG002-S22-H1 of HG002's maternal haplotype assembly.

In the example settings. Running ./scripts/ will gAIRR-call the HG002's AIRR alleles based on HG002_part_gAIRR-seq_R1.fasta and HG002_part_gAIRR-seq_R2.fasta. Running ./scripts/ will gAIRR-annotate part of the HG002's genome assembly HG002-S22-H1-000000F_1900000-2900000.fasta. In ./scripts/ , several shell script commands are commented. The commented commands are the settings to gAIRR-annotate two phased assemblies while in the example is to gAIRR-annotate single strend genome assembly.