gNet is a mini Deep Learning(DL) library. It is written to understand how DL works. It is running on CPU. It is written on Python language and used :
* Numpy for linear algebra calculations
* Matplotlib for plottings
* Texttable for proper printing of model summary in cmd
* wget for download MNIST data
* idx2numpy for load MNIST data
some 3rd party libraries.
During devolopment, Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch and some other libraries examined. Keras end-user approach is used. Therefore, if you are familiar with Keras, you can use gNet easily.
gNet has not a lot functions and methods for now, because subject is written when they needed to learn. Also, gNet is personal project. Thus, its development process depends on author learning process.
Installation can be done with pip or clone the git and use in local file of your workspace.
To install with pip.
pip install gNet
Example - MNIST
from gNet import utils
from gNet import neuralnetwork as NN
from gNet import model
from gNet import layer
# download and load MNIST Dataset
mnist = utils.MNIST_Downloader()
x_train, y_train = mnist.load_train()
x_test, y_test = mnist.load_test()
# normalize
x_train, x_test = x_train / 255.0, x_test / 255.0
# make one-hot vector to label
num_classes = 10
y_train = utils.make_one_hot(y_train, num_classes)
y_test = utils.make_one_hot(y_test, num_classes)
# create model
model = model.Model()
# add layers
model.add(layer.Dense(128, 'relu'))
model.add(layer.Dense(10, 'softmax'))
# create NN structure
net = NN.NeuralNetwork(model)
# print model summary firstly
# setup structure
net.setup(loss_function='cce', optimizer='adam')
# train
net.train(x_train, y_train, batch_size=32, epochs=10)
# evaluate
net.evaluate(x_test, y_test)
# get loss and accuracy plot
Result will be like :
Model created and initializing parameters..
| Layer | Output Shape | # of Parameters |
| 0: flatten | 784 | 0 |
| 1: Dense : relu | 128 | 100480 |
| 2: Dense : softmax | 10 | 1290 |
| Total | | 101,770 |
Train starting..
Epoch : 1 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.2640 Accuracy : 0.9241
Epoch : 2 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.1164 Accuracy : 0.9657
Epoch : 3 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.0802 Accuracy : 0.9761
Epoch : 4 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.0598 Accuracy : 0.9816
Epoch : 5 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.0469 Accuracy : 0.9856
Epoch : 6 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.0373 Accuracy : 0.9884
Epoch : 7 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.0301 Accuracy : 0.9908
Epoch : 8 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.0234 Accuracy : 0.9931
Epoch : 9 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.0213 Accuracy : 0.9933
Epoch : 10 / 10 100.00 % Loss : 0.0164 Accuracy : 0.9949
Passed Training Time : 0:01:04.485637
Test Loss : 0.0969, Accuracy : 0.9747
Passed Evaluate Time : 0:00:00.140604
Details can be found in mini docs.