An Easy way to use GANs for data augmentation

pip install ganify==1.0.10


GANify (v. 1.0.10)

Description: GANify is an algorithm based on Generative Adversarial Learning to generate synthetic non-tensor data. The name GANify is an adaptation of acronym GAN (generative adversarial network) and AmplIFY, meaning you can amplify the amount of data available with GANs .

Installation: One can easily install GANify using the PIP:

pip install ganify==1.0.10

How to use: Once installed, simply import the library and instatiate the model as described below:

Other info: The package also enables the creation of synthetic data using both GANs and WGANs , by simply changing the argument "type" on "fit_data" Additionally, you can view the model overall loss performance by calling the "plot_performance()" method after fit.

Further improvements: Early stopping to optimize training interruption