
Automated world-based analysis of wearable eye tracker data.

pip install gazeMapper==0.5.0


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gazeMapper v0.5.0

Tool for automated world-based analysis of wearable eye tracker data.

If you use this tool or any of the code in this repository, please cite:
Niehorster, D.C., Hessels, R.S., Nyström, M., Benjamins, J.S. and Hooge, I.T.C. (in prep). gazeMapper: A tool for automated world-based analysis of wearable eye tracker data

How to acquire

GlassesValidator is available from, and supports Python 3.10 and 3.11 on Windows, MacOS and Linux.

For Windows users who wish to use the gazeMapper GUI, the easiest way to acquire gazeMapper is to download a standalone executable. The standalone executable is not available for MacOS or Linux.

For users on Windows, Mac or Linux who wish to use gazeMapper in their Python code, the easiest way to acquire gazeMapper is to install it directly into your Python distribution using the command python -m pip install gazeMapper. If you run into problems on MacOS to install the imgui_bundle package, you can try to install it first with the command SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=0 pip install --only-binary=:all: imgui_bundle. Note that this repository is pip-installable as well: python -m pip install git+ NB: on some platforms you may have to replace python with python3 in the above command lines.

Once pip-installed in your Python distribution, there are three ways to run the GUI on any of the supported operating systems:

  1. Directly in the terminal of your operating system, type gazeMapper and run it.
  2. Open a Python console. From such a console, running the GUI requires only the following two lines of code:
    import gazeMapper
  3. If you run the gazeMapper's GUI from a script, make sure to wrap your script in if __name__=="__main__". This is required for correct operation from a script because the GUI uses multiprocessing functionality. Do as follows:
    if __name__=="__main__":
        import gazeMapper