
Global 3D Centroid Moment Tensor Inversion

Global, CMT, Inversion, Moment, Tensor
pip install gcmt3d==0.0.2


Build Status


This is the initial commit for the revisited global cmt solution to allow for 3D velocity structures.


In order to install GCMT3D we first need to create a new conda environment. Then we install the dependencies, and finally GCMT3D itself. The required steps are the following

1. Create and activate a new conda environment with python 3.7

conda create -n <your_environment> python=3.7
conda activate <your_environment>

2. Install dependencies:

# Install basemap using conda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install basemap

# Install other requirements using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Download and Install GCMT3D

# Download GCMT3D
git clone https://github.com/lsawade/GCMT3D.git

# Install GCMT3D in the current conda environment
cd GCMT3D/ && pip install .

Test that GCMT3D was successfully installed by running the following command

python -c "import gcmt3d"

Travis automatic testing

The Travis automatic system is setup to load the latest anaconda release for Linux. Then, in a Python 3.7 environment, all required software is downloaded and installed. For the installation steps, please refer to the .travis.yml in the main directory. It mainly follows the steps in the quick install.