
A Package to Predict the Gender of a Person based on their Name (Suited for Indian Names)

gender, indian, names, LSTM, tensorflow, keras, classify, prediction
pip install genderpred-in==1.0.3



GenderPred-IN is a Python package designed to predict the gender of a person based on their name. It is specifically tailored for Indian names, leveraging advanced machine learning techniques to provide accurate predictions. PyPI


  • LSTM Model: Utilizes a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network model to understand the sequential patterns in names.
  • Tokenizer and Label Encoder: Processes names through a trained tokenizer and label encoder to convert names into a format suitable for the LSTM model.
  • Pre-trained Model: Comes with a pre-trained model, eliminating the need for extensive training and setup.
  • User-friendly: Simple and easy-to-use functions to get predictions with minimal setup.

Getting Started


You can install the package using pip (easy-peasy way):

pip  install  genderpred_in

or you can use github to install (harder way):

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd GenderPred-India
  1. Install the package:
pip install .
  1. Verify the installation:
pip list


Import Package

from genderpred_in import classify_name, get_name, get_first_name, get_male_probability, get_female_probability, get_gender

Here is an example of how to use the package:

# Classify the name "Rohit"
result = classify_name("Rohit")

# Retrieve and print the results
full_name = get_name(result)
first_name = get_first_name(result)
male_prob = get_male_probability(result)
female_prob = get_female_probability(result)
gender = get_gender(result)

print(f"Full Name: {full_name}")
print(f"First Name: {first_name}")
print(f"Male Probability: {male_prob}")
print(f"Female Probability: {female_prob}")
print(f"Gender: {gender}")

Example Output:

Full Name: Rohit
First Name: ROHIT
Male Probability: 0.9916077852249146
Female Probability: 0.008392222225666046
Gender: male


  • classify_name(full_name): Classifies the given full name and returns a dictionary with the name, first name, gender, and probabilities.
  • get_name(result): Retrieves the full name from the classification result.
  • get_first_name(result): Retrieves the first name from the classification result.
  • get_male_probability(result): Retrieves the male probability from the classification result.
  • get_female_probability(result): Retrieves the female probability from the classification result.
  • get_gender(result): Retrieves the predicted gender from the classification result. (Output: male, female, unknown)


Version 1.0.2 Fixed Model loading error for Windows.
Version 1.0.1 Uses LSTM model with a tokenized First-Name to Generate Predictions of Gender.

Built With

  • TensorFlow - The machine learning framework used
  • Keras - High-level neural networks API
  • NumPy - Used for numerical computing
  • Pandas - Data manipulation and analysis


Dhruv Malpani - Initial Work LinkedIn GitHub


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


Praneeth Vasarla Your article helped me create the initial model using Logistic Regression and n-grams. (article)