A library to standardize testing of GeneWeaver pacakges.

pip install geneweaver-testing==0.1.2


Geneweaver Testing

Tests Style Coverage

This package is used to test the Geneweaver project. It contains tools for running tests against Geneweaver project packages and components to aid in the development of Geneweaver.

Quick Start

  1. Install the package
    poetry install -G dev geneweaver-testing
  2. Make a "common" test file
    touch tests/common.py
  3. Add the following to the "common" test file
    # Inside tests/common.py
    from geneweaver.testing import *
  4. Add a fixture file at test root (if you don't have one already)
    touch tests/conftest.py
  5. Add the following to the fixture file
    # Inside tests/conftest.py
    from geneweaver.testing.fixtures import *
  6. Run Tests!
    pytest tests

Package Modules

Like all Geneweaver packages, this package is namespaced under the geneweaver package. The root of this package is geneweaver.testing. The package is structured for usage in pytest tests, with pre-defined tests available through splat (*) imports as shown in the Quick Start. Other package functionality is available by specifically importing modules.

The following modules are available in this package:


This module contains pytest fixtures that are used to test Geneweaver packages. These fixtures can be used to set up test contexts for Geneweaver packages. This module does not contain any tests.


This module contains tools for testing and validating Geneweaver packages.


Contributions to this package are welcome. Please see the Contributing document for more information.