
This package is a General Exploration System that implements DTW in exploring time series

dtw, lower-bounds, multiprocessing, query, similarity-search, spark, time-series
pip install genex==0.0.2



This repository is a General Exploration System that implements DTW in exploring time series. This program implements the algorithm described in these papers:

Neamtu, Rodica, et al. "Interactive time series analytics powered by ONEX." Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data. ACM, 2017. Neamtu, Rodica, et al. "Generalized dynamic time warping: Unleashing the warping power hidden in point-wise distances." 2018 IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE, 2018. Stan Salvador, and Philip Chan. “FastDTW: Toward accurate dynamic time warping in linear time and space.” Intelligent Data Analysis 11.5 (2007): 561-580.

In addition, Genex uses Spark as distributed computing engine, whose reference can be found here

Genex Database

Genex database (Aliase: gxdb) is core object in genex. It keeps the original time series given by the user in addition to some meta-data. Note that gxdb must exist in a Spark Context.

Creat Genex Database

There are two ways to create a gxdb in a given context. [from_csv] and [from_db]

API Calls


from_csv(file_name, feature_num, sc)

returns a gxdb object from given csv data file; the returned gxdb resides in the SparkContext given.


file_name: The input file name given by the user. File format

Feature1 Feature2 Feature3 Feature4 Feature5
val11 val21 val31 val41 val51 data11 data12 ... data1n
val12 val22 val32 val42 val52 data21 data22 ... data2n
val13 val23 val33 val43 val53 data31 data32 ... data3n

feature_num: The number of features in the csv file. Eg: if the features are Subject Name, Event Name, Channel Name, Start time, End Time, then the number of features is 5. sc: Spark context instance, must be created in the Python context. Note there be only be one gxdb instance on a single spark context.


FileNotFoundError: If the file can not be found in given path, raise error. TypeError: If the input type is not same as required input type, raise error.


from genex.database import genex_database as gxdb

mydb = from_csv(‘mydata.csv’, feature_num=5)


from_db(path, sc)

A ’load back’ function, returns a previously saved gxdb object from its saved path; the returned gxdb resides in the SparkContext given. The reload SparkContext for the gxdb does not have to be the same as the context where the gxdb is created.


path sc




Groups and clusters the time series set based on the customized similarity threshold and the distance type which is a parameter in the DTW algorithm to calculate the similarity between two time series.


  • similarity_threshold: The upper bound of the similarity value between two time series.
  • dist_type: 'eu'
  • loi: Length of interest, it is a slice object.
  • verbose:


   folder_name: str
) -> None

Stores a gxdb instance locally which can be fetched and restored in the future.


  • folder_name: Give a name to the folder, which stores all the essential fields of the gxdb instance


   sc: SparkContext,
   folder_name: str
)-> genex_database

Creates an new gxdb based on an existed one which was stored in the past.


  • sc: A instacne of the SparkContext.
  • folder_name: The folder name which contains the local gxdb instance.


   file_name: str,
   feature_num: int,
   SparkContext: SparkContext
) -> genex_database

Creates an new gxdb based on the given csv file.


  • file_name: A csv file that contains time series values
  • feature_num:An ID used to distinguish each time series
  • SparkContext: A instance of SparkContext


   query: Sequence,
   best_k: int,
   unique_id: bool,
   overlap: float
) -> pandas dataFrame

Find the k-best similar time series based on the given query time series from the current gxdb instance


overlap: Float; MUST be between 0. and 1.; Default = 1.; the overlap parameter alters the query result. It is only valid when the querying sequence is extracted from the original dataset. In short, given a overlap between 0. and 1., the sequences in the query result will not overlap more than the given number, pairwise.

For example, if overlap is set to 0.5, k set to 3. Now we are looking for top 2 matches but they cannot overlap for more than 50%. If the first match we find is [id=time_series_1, start = 50, end = 100]

second best match might have been [id=time_series_1, start = 51, end = 101], but it overlaps with the first match for more than 50%. So this second best match will not appear in the query result.

The third best match we found is [id=time_series_2, start = 51, end = 101], this is OK because it is from a different time series than the matches so far.

The forth best match we found is [id=time_series_2, start = 76, end = 125], this is also OK because it overlaps with the matches so far for no more than 50%.

With K=3, the final query result will be

{[id=time_series_1, start = 50, end = 100],

[id=time_series_2, start = 51, end = 101],

[id=time_series_2, start = 76, end = 125]}

  • query: The query time series.
  • best_k: k best matches.
  • unique_id: A boolean value that determinate whether the query results are allowed to have the same ID
  • overlap: Sets up the upper bound of the overlap among the query candidates.



For Genex Developers

This section is for developers who are involved in the implementation, testing and experimentation with the Genex core system. Content in this section is up to change in between releases.

Experiment Parameters

There are experiment parameters in the Genex system. For example, _reduction_factor_lbkim in genex_database.query(...). Experiment parameters are denoted by starting with an '_'.

Those parameters are meant for experiment purposes only and has not been fully tested. It is not recommended for general users to change their value other than the default.

Parameter Explanation

_lb_optimization in genex_database.query() must be a string, can take value 'lb_heuristic', 'lb_bsf' (bsf stands for bestSoFar), or 'none'. It sets how the system optimize the places where it needs to calculate DTW. 'lb_heuristic' and 'lb_bsf' are different pruning technicals to reduce the number of DTW calculation. The pruning is applied in two places: (1) calculating the DTW between the query and the representative space (i.e. all the representatives) (2) calculating the DTW between the query and the represented space (i.e. represented cluster). Without pruning, both place can induce a large number of DTW calculation.

If 'lb_heuristic' is given: we calculate lb_kim_FL and lb_keogh distance between the query and the candidates. Each time we rank the candidates based on the lb distance calculated and prune a certain percentage of candidates who are at the bottom of the rank. Then we only calculate the DTW for the remaining sequences.

If 'lb_bsf' is given: we take an iterative approach. The system resolve the distance between the query and the candidates in a for loop. We also keep a maxheap of distances calculated. Note that this heap only records the DTW distance; it does not contain any lb distance at any time. Inside the loop, if the heap size is less than k (k being the top best k given by the user), we calculate the DTW between the candidate and the query, then push the DTW distance calculated onto the heap. If the heap size is equal to k, then before calculating DTW, we calculate the lb_kim_FL and the lb_keogh distance between the query and the candidate. Each time we compare the lb distance with the top of heap. If the distance is larger than the heap top, we prune the candidate and continue onto the next iteration. If the distance is less than the heap top, we then calculate the DTW between this candidate and the query, check again if it is less than the top of the heap, if it is, we pop the heap, and push the newly calculated distance. If not, we simply prune this candidate and continue onto the next iteration.

_is_prune_reprs in genex_database.query()