
Generate IDs in Python projects

pip install genid==1.0.1



Easily generate various kind of IDs within Python projects

Quick start

Installing the project

Users can install project from github using pip:

pip install genid

Confirm that project is installed correctly by importing the version string:

from genid import __version__

OOP Usage

  • Application domain:
from genid import IDGenerator

class UseCase:
  """An example use case which requires ID generation"""
  def __init__(self, generator: IDGenerator):
    self.id_generator = generator

  def do_something() -> None:
    """Generate a new ID and do something"""
    new_id =
  • Application entrypoint:
from genid import generator

def main() -> None:
    # Initialize use case with BSON Object ID generator
    usecase = UseCase(generator("objectid"))
    # Execute use case
    # The ID generated within the method will be a valid ObjectID as a string

Iterator usage

  • Event producer:
from genid import generator, IDGenerator

def producer_loop(generator: IDGenerator) -> None:
    # Iterate over generator to create new ID on the fly
    for new_id in generator:
        print(f"Creating new event with ID: {new_id}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Use UUI4 identifiers

Note: IDGenerator is an abstract class. It can be used to annotate functions depending on an ID generator. At runtime, those functions must be called with a valid implementation.

Supported ID kinds

The following ID kinds are supported:

  • "constant"
  • "nanoid"
  • "nuid"
  • "objectid"
  • "uuid1"
  • "uuid4"
  • "ulid"
  • "incremental"
  • "secret"
  • "timestamp"
  • "ns_timestamp"

Note: The string enumeration genid.Kind defines supported types

Developer installation

Install using script

The install script is responsible for first creating a virtual environment, then updating packaging dependencies such as pip, setuptools and wheel within the virtual environment. Finally, it installs the project in development mode within the virtual environment.

The virtual environment is always named .venv/

Run the script located in the scripts/ directory with the Python interpreter of your choice. The script accepts the following arguments:

  • --dev: install extra dependencies required to contribute to development
  • --docs: install extra dependencies required to build and serve documentation
  • -e or --extras: a string of comma-separated extras such as "dev,docs".
  • -a or --all: a boolean flag indicating that all extras should be installed.

Example usage:

  • Install with build extra only (default behaviour)
python3 scripts/
  • Install with dev extra
python3 scripts/ --dev
  • Install all extras
python3 scripts/ --all

Note: The venv module must be installed for the python interpreter used to run install script. On Debian and Ubuntu systems, this package can be installed using the following command: sudo apt-get install python3-venv. On Windows systems, python distributions have the venv module installed by default.

Development tasks

The file is an invoke task file. It describes several tasks which developers can execute to perform various actions.

To list all available tasks, activate the project virtual environment, and run the command inv --list:

$ inv --list

Available tasks:

  build         Build sdist and wheel, and optionally build documentation.
  check         Run mypy typechecking.
  clean         Clean build artifacts and optionally documentation artifacts as well as generated bytecode.
  coverage      Serve code coverage results and optionally run tests before serving results
  docs          Serve the documentation in development mode.
  format        Format source code using black and isort.
  lint          Lint source code using flake8.
  pre-push      Ensure checks performed in CI will not fail before pushing to remote
  test          Run tests using pytest and optionally enable coverage.

Build project artifacts

The build task can be used to build a source distribution (sdist), a wheel binary package by default.

Optionally, it can be used to build the project documentation as a static website.


  • Build sdist and wheel only:
inv build
  • Build sdist, wheel and documentation:
inv build --docs

Run tests

The test task can be used to run tests using pytest.

By default, test coverage is not enabled and -c or --cov option must be provided to enable test coverage.


  • Run tests without coverage:
inv test
  • Run tests with coverage:
inv test --cov
  • Run tests including end to end tests and coverage:
inv test --e2e --cov

Visualize test coverage

The coverage task can be used to serve test coverage results on http://localhost:8000 by default. Use --port option to use a different port.

By default, test coverage is expected to be present before running the task. If it is desired to run tests before serving the results, use --run option.

Run typechecking

The check task can be used to run mypy.

By default type checking is not run on tests and -i or --include-tests option must be provided to include them.

Run linter

The lint task can be used to lint source code using flake8. This task does not accept any option.

flake8 is configured in the setup.cfg file.

Format source code

The format task can be used to format source code using black and isort. This task does not accept any option.

black is not configured in any way, but isort is configured in setup.cfg.

Serve the documentation

The docs task can be used to serve the documentation as a static website on http://localhost:8000 with auto-reload enabled by default. Use the --port option to change the listenning port and the --no-watch to disable auto-reload.

Git flow

Two branches exist:

  • next: The development branch. All developers must merge commits to next through Pull Requests.

  • main: The release branch. Developers must not commit to this branch. Only merge from next branch with fast-forward strategy are allowed on main branch.

Each time new commits are pushed on main, semantic-release may perform a release bump according to commit messages.

Git commits

Developers are execpted to write commit messages according to the Convetionnal Commits specification.

Commit messages which are not valid conventionnal commits are ignored in changelog.


Changelog is generated for each release candidate and each release according to commit messages found since last release.

Changelog content is written to by @semantic-release/release-notes-generator plugin configured with conventionnalcommit preset.

Contributing to the documentation

Project documentation is written using MkDocs static site generator. Documentation source files are written in Markdown. They can be found in docs/ directory.

Aside from documentation written in markdown files, Python API reference is generated from docstrings and type annotations found in source code.