A simple code generation tool.

cli, code, generator, automation
pip install genmax==0.1.7



Genmax is a simple code generation tool.

Key Components

  • Projects

Genmax organizes all files and content in projects. Every project has itown folder. Genmax projects can be created in any folder.

  • Flows

Genmax projects have flows to group together multiple files to be generated. Flows are in yaml.j2 format.

  • Data

You can pass data to templates that help generate data. For example, you can dynamically pass the name of attributes if you are generating a class file.

  • Templates

These templates form the basis of the code to be generated. Genmax uses the Jinja2 engine for code generation.

  • Output

Once the data is passed to a template, Genmax generates an output file with the generated code. For nested output locations, you can use > as a separator.


Command Description
gmx add proj <project-name> Create a new project.
gmx set proj <project-name> Set the current project.
gmx wf run <workflow-name> Run workflow for a given project.

Extensions supported in templates

The following methods are supported in the template:

Description Method
Lower case first char lcase(your_string)
Lower case lowercase(your_string)
Upper case uppercase(your_string)
Pluralize pluralize(your_string)
Join With Commas joinify(name_of_element, element_list)
Switch to Camel case camel(your_string)
Switch to Kebab case kebab(your_string)
Switch to Pascale case pascale(your_string)
Switch to Dot case dot(your_string)
Switch to Title case title(your_string)
Switch to Snake case snake(your_string)
Switch to Path format path(your_string)
Generate UUID uuid()
Generate secret in 16 bit - hexadecimal secret()
Generate secret in 64 bit - hexadecimal secret_complex()
Read config from .env file. env(file_name, config_name)

Quick Start

Create a sample project.

gmx init

Run the sample workflow in the project.

gmx wf run sample

Other commands

If you have multiple projects, you can set another one as active.

gmx proj set other-project

Delete a project using the below command.

gmx proj del project-name

Workflow Item Types

Add these to your workflow YAML file as needed.

Item Description
data Data to pass to the template.
action The name of the generate action.
template Template to use for code generation (j2 supported).
output Name and extension of the output file.
Write to File
action The name of the write_to_file action.
template Template to write to file.
output Name and extension of the output file.