
Tools for building geographically aware django apps, without needing to install a real GIS backend.

pip install geo-ez==0.1.5


This package is still in early pre-alpha stages. Meanwhile, feel free to use the models, and functionality, but you will probably need to coerce them into working how you want them to for some cases.

Geo EZ

pip install geo_ez

A reusable Django module for building Gographically aware applications without needing to install a real GIS backend.


Management commands

This will create the database tables for the models, and import US Postal Codes from GeoNames. migrate import-postal-codes

Now you can

  • Extend the GISPoint model to build your own objects with stored corrdinates.
  • Extend the StreetAddress model to have coordinate-aware street addresses in your own models.

Any model Extended from GISPoint (Which includes any model extended from StreetAddress) can now be interacted with like this.A

class GeoCache(GISPoint):
    gc_id = CharField(max_length=20)

cache = GeoCache.objects.get(gc_id='GC12345')
cache.distance_from(-76.123456, 43.123456, 5) # latitude, longitude, radius_in_miles
                                              # - radius can also be in km if the keyword argument use_miles=False

cache.in_radius(-76.123456, 43.123456, 5) # latitude, longitude, radius_in_miles
                                          # - radius can also be in km if the keyword argument use_miles=False

caches = points_within_radius(GeoCache, -76.123456, 43.123456, radius=5, use_miles=True)