
Creates and compiles GGP js/html projects

pip install ggp-template==0.2.0


Toolchain for writing General Game Players

This simple script allows you to build and organize sophisticated general game playing (GGP) projects. Currently, players are defined by a single .html file, which means that projects are either confined to a single file or require a lot of tedious, error-prone manual copy-and-paste if functionality is spread across different files.

This script allows you to define only the functionality for the player that you are creating, avoiding all the boilerplate and copying and pasting. It also allows you to manage larger projects by generating an html file from a template and (potentially multiple) javascript files. Finally, it allows you to load web workers in a natural and easy way.


Make sure you have python and pip installed. Then run the following in a terminal:

pip install ggp-template


To create a new player from the sample template, run

python -m myplayer.js

To build an HTML file from a player, run

python -m ggp.make myplayer.js --ident=your_identifier

You can build multiple javascript files by simply passing multiple arguments (no dependency resolution is done; the scripts are added to the HTML file in the order they are passed in):

python -m ggp.make lib.js myplayer.js --ident=your_identifier


The make subcommand takes the following options:

  • worker Worker scripts are added after main scripts using type=javascript/worker, which means they are not run by the browser, but their ids can still be passed to loadWorker.
  • template The template HTML file to use (defaults to sample.html from
  • ident The identifier for your player
  • strategy The strategy name that is displayed on the page
  • title The title for the page (defaults to the strategy and identifier)

While javascript files are converted to data:text, (hence URI encoded), none of the other parameters are escaped. Therefore, if the title contains valid HTML, it will simply be inserted into the HTML file without any extra escaping.

All script tags will be created with an id corresponding by default to the stem of the file. This is useful for loading web workers (see below).

Using WebWorkers

If any --worker flags are passed, an extra file loadworker.js is automatically loaded. To use loadWorker, in any file, simply call:

const worker = loadWorker(scriptId, dependencies, nestedDependencies);

Here, scriptId is the id of a script that was passed into ggp.make. Note that the default id for a file is the file name stem (e.g. the id for myplayer/lib/shuffle.js would be shuffle). You can change the id by passing it explicitly if you wish: python -m ggp.make myplayer/lib/shuffle.js,newid would load myplayer/lib/shuffle.js with id newid.

If the worker itself needs to load new workers, pass those workers and their dependencies into nestedDependencies. Note that this worker will then have access to the script to pass it into nestedDependencies itself, so this allows arbitrarily nested WebWorkers.

Note that all main worker scripts should be prefixed with --worker, so that the browser does not execute them on the top page. Files that simply define utility functions, however, can be loaded without --worker, even if they are used only by web workers.


Most editors will allow you to set up a custom build command. In vscode, for example, you can create a tasks.json file in the project directory and set this to be the default build task as described here.

If you want more sophisticated tooling, such as automatic dependency resolution or compiling from e.g. Typescript, use webpack.