Pull Request utility script

pip install github-pr==2.3.4



github-pr is a CLI utility script for working with GitHub pull requests. It's built on top of the most excellent PyGithub.


# from pypi
pip install github-pr

# from github
pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/dataxu/github-pr.git

# from source
python setup.py install


export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<your GitHub API token value>


Show PRs or a specific PR

github-pr list -r dataxu/test_repo
github-pr list -r dataxu/test_repo -n 17

Create a PR

github-pr create -r dataxu/test_repo -t "PR Title" --head "my-test-branch" --body 'Description Line 1<br/>Line2'

Create a PR from a fork

github-pr create -r dataxu/test_repo -t "PR Title" --head "my-fork:my-test-branch"

Comment on a PR

github-pr comment -r dataxu/test_repo -n 17 --body ":shipit:"

Merge a PR by PR number

github-pr merge -r dataxu/test_repo -n 17

Merge a PR by branch

github-pr merge -r dataxu/test_repo --head dev-my-branch-name
github-pr merge -r dataxu/test_repo --head dev-another-branch --base branch-that-is-not-master

Delete a PR

github-pr delete -r dataxu/test_repo -n 17

Check conditional status checks

This check only looks at comments AFTER the latest commit, to validate that the most recent code (most recent git sha pushed to the PR) has been peer reviewed!!!

This will check to make sure that the owner can not apply a shipable comment on their own code

github-pr check-condition -r dataxu/dcommand -n 84 --condition-non-owner-merger

This takes the local path to a file containing github usernames, one per line, and checks to make sure the shipit comment came from one of these usernames who is an approved merger

github-pr check-condition -r dataxu/dcommand -n84 --condition-approved-mergers-file=<MAINTAINERS FILE>

The following takes a SPACE-separated list, without quotes or braces. This will check that a comment containing a :shipit: (the default, or other defined comment if merge_comment is set) comes from a user in the provided list passed on the commandline.

github-pr check-condition -r dataxu/dcommand -n 84 --condition-approved-mergers ned_flanders marge_simpson

This code was originally developed at DataXu and released as open source under the New BSD License.