
Command line tool to use Github API to automate some works.

github, ci
pip install githubot==0.7.0



Build Status license

Command line tool to use Github's API for automation:

  • create release with assets
  • upload/download files to github
  • TODO


pip install githubot


Create release with assets

Releases management.

Usage: githubot release --token=TOKEN --repo=REPO
                        [--tag=TAG] [--title=TITLE] [--message=MESSAGE]

    --token=TOKEN           Github access token.
    -r=REPO --repo=REPO     Repo full name like: owner/repo.
    --tag=TAG               Tag name for the release. If the tag does not
                            exist it will be created on default branch.
    --title=TITLE           Title for the release.
    --message=MESSAGE       Message for the release.
    -h --help               Show this message and exit.

For example:

Create a release to repo WqyJh/test with assets under the path of assets/.

githubot release --token <github_token> --repo WqyJh/test assets/*

Create a release and specify tag, title and message for it.

githubot release \
--token <github_token> \
--repo WqyJh/test \
--tag test_tag \
--title "This is an test title" \
--message "This release contains xxx" \

Only regular files are supported for the --assets option, directories are not supported. You can specify files in the following manner:

--assets file1 file2
--assets path/* # wildcard

Use github repo as cloud storage

Files management.

Usage: githubot file upload --token=TOKEN --repo=REPO  [FILES...]
       githubot file download --token=TOKEN --repo=REPO  [FILES...]

    --token=TOKEN           Github access token.
    -r=REPO --repo=REPO     Repo full name like: owner/repo.
    -h --help               Show this message and exit.

Upload files

Upload files to github repo WqyJh/test.

./ file upload \
--token <github_token> \
--repo WqyJh/test \
file1 file2 file*

Note that the FILES argument is just the same with ASSETS, only regular files are supported.

Download files

Download files from github repo WqyJh/test.

./ file download \
--token <github_token> \
--repo WqyJh/test \
file1 dir1 dir2/

Note that the FILES argument here cannot contains wildcard, but it can contains directories.

Delete files

Delete files from github repo.

./ file delete \
--token <github_token> \
--repo Wqyjh/test \
file1 dir1 dir2/


  • bumping 0.3.0 (PYPI)
  • auto-changelog 1.15.0 (NPM)

The release processing is as follow:

  1. Calculate semantic version
    git checkout dev
    git pull origin dev
  2. Create release branch from dev
    git checkout -b release-<version>
  3. Modify the version and commit
  4. Generate changelog and commit
    auto-changelog --latest-version <version> --tag-prefix v
  5. Merge to master branch
  6. Tag version to master branch