
Gitlab Deployment Changelog Creator

pip install gitlab-deployment-changelog==0.2.0


Gitlab Deployment Changelog

Home of this code is now

This package grabs the last n deployments for a project from gitlab and creates a summary of the merge requests and their issues. Decoration is done based on scoped labels type::. As of now we cover bug. Everything else is considered as a feature. Merge requests without issues, were indicated as well.

Mandatory setup

How to use at all

> pip install gitlab-deployment-changelog

> gdc -h
usage: Gitlab Deployment Changelog [-h] [-c COUNT] [-n] [-d] env

positional arguments:
  env                   Name of the environment

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COUNT, --count COUNT
                        How many last deployments to consider
  -n, --no_slack        Dont send to slack
  -d, --debug           Show debug output
  -v, --verbose         Show more information incl legend

> gdc environment_to_run_again  # find merges and issues which were deployed

How to use locally or manually

  • checkout
  • pdm install
  • Make sure you have PROJECT_ID properly set
  • pdm run changelog <environment>, the environment is mandatory and could be something like production/the_exb

Pipeline usage

  • call it with the environment name as argument, e.g., pdm run changelog staging/the_exb