A python 3 API wrapper for GL-inet routers for consumption by Home Assistant

pip install gli-py==0.0.8



A aysnc python 3 API wrapper for GL-inet routers. [WIP]

GL-inet routers are built on OpenWRT. They are highly customizeable but have an attractive user interface.

As part of their modiification of the UI they provide a locally accessible API.

I thought it would be handy to develop a python 3 wrapper for the API for easy intergation into other services such as HomeAssistant


pip3 install gli-py

Dev setup

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Ensure you have python 3 installed python3 -V or python -V
  3. Uses poetry for venv control pip3 install poetry
  4. poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true create the venvs in the project folder
  5. poetry install
  6. poetry shell
  7. To run tests, ensure there is a file called router_pwd in the root directory with the router password in.
  8. Then run pytest -s to see responses, assumes the router is at
  9. Set token with poetry config pypi-token.pypi TOKEN
  10. publish with poetry publish

Todo list: