
Archives the contents of your Google Photos library to disk

Google, Photos, Photo, Backup, Media, Arcvhival, Data
pip install google-photos-archiver==0.2.1



CircleCI codecov PyPI version


google-photos-archiver aims to provide a simple, fast, extensible interface to be able to back up one's Google Photos to a location of their choosing.

I've drawn inspiration from projects such as: & but wanted to cut my teeth in this domain and see what I could come up with myself.


I wanted a tool (of my own creation) which could easily provide a copy of mine and my partner's Google Photos libraries, and keep said copy up to date over time.

In reality I've mainly just needed a distraction from the vicious cycle of wake, work, Netflix, sleep, and I thought it was high time to do a little side project.


Development Pre-reqs

  • docker

... Or

Optional Reqs

Getting Started

Google Oauth Setup

These instructions will help you set up Google OAuth2 client credentials so you can start using google-photos-archiver

  • While logged into your Google account navigate to Create a New Project
  • Create one, and switch to using it with the UI dropdown
  • Navigate to APIs & Services click on + Enable APIs and services, and enable the Photos Library API
  • Navigate back to APIs & Services and click on Credentials
  • Click on + Create Credentials > OAuth client ID
  • Configure an OAuth consent screen. You can just fill out the required fields and hit Save.
    • Click Add Or Remove Scopes and manually add scope:
    • Accept remaining defaults, save through and return to Credentials
  • Click on + Create Credentials > OAuth client ID
  • Make a "Desktop App"
  • Congrats!, you now have a Client ID and Client Secret
  • Download the associated client_secret.json file and make note of its location as we'll be providing it's path to google-photos-archiver

First Run

A browser window will be opened during the initial OAuth flow. After successfully authenticating once, a refresh token will be stored for future use (See: --refresh-token-path) and will omit the need to reauthenticate.

Development Usage

$ git clone
$ poetry install
$ poetry run google-photos-archiver --help

... with Docker

Note that some more Docker volume mounting will be warranted here if you want to specify a different path to download to etc. Ref:

$ docker build . -t google-photos-archiver
$ docker run -v $PWD:/app/ google-photos-archiver  --help

General Usage

$ pip install google-photos-archiver
$ google-photos-archiver --help

Running tests

$ poetry run pytest


Specify a different download location

$ google-photos-archiver archive-media-items --download-path /Volumes/my-big-hdd/downloaded_media

Download from specific dates (with wildcard support)

$ google-photos-archiver archive-media-items --date-filter 2020/*/*,2021/8/22
$ google-photos-archiver archive-media-items --date-range-filter 2019/8/22-2020/8/22

Download Albums and their MediaItems only

$ google-photos-archiver archive-media-items --albums-only

Download Path Hierarchy

$ tree /<download_path>/downloaded_media/ | head
├── 2021
│ └── 1
│     ├── 1
│     │ └── a.jpg
│     └── 2
│         └──
├── 2020
│ ├── 1
│ │ └── 2
│ │     └── c.jpg
│ └── 2
│     └── 3
│         └── d.jpg
└── albums
    └── Album A
        └── <symlink /<download_path>/downloaded_media/2021/1/1/a.jpg >