
CLI tool that uses OpenAI's GPT to change your code according to comments in the GitHub pull request

gptmypr, pull, request, code, review, refactoring, quality, ChatGPT, GPT, OpenAI, GitHub
pip install gptmypr==0.1.0



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GPTmyPR is a Python command-line tool that uses OpenAI's GPT to change your code according to comments in the GitHub pull request.


pip install gptmypr


A configuration file will be created during the first run. You'll need a GitHub token and an OpenAI API key to use GPTmyPR.

How to generate a GitHub Token:

  • Visit
  • Select 'Personal access tokens', then 'Fine-grained tokens'.
  • Click 'Generate new token'.
  • Specify 'Repository access' for the desired repository.
  • Choose 'Access: Read-only' for 'Contents' and 'Access: Read and write' for 'Pull requests'.

How to generate an OpenAI API Key:

Author's opinion about model choice

Updated: 1/23/2024. It is recommended to check the official page for the latest information: and

Model Price Speed Quality for gptmypr Note Token limit (the higher the number, the larger the file you can process). Remember, you pay for every token used per request.
gpt-4-1106-preview Moderate Medium Optimal Good choice for most tasks; also has recent knowledge base. 128,000 tokens
gpt-4 Expensive Slow The best Slow, but the most intelligent. 8,192 tokens
gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 Cheap Fast Below average Fast, but not always accurate with results. 16,385 tokens
gpt-3.5-turbo Very cheap Very fast Below average The cheapest and fastest way to work with small source files and process simple comments. 4,096 tokens

Changing Configuration Later

Edit the configuration file usually located at ~/.gptmypr.conf.json:

  "openai_apikey": "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY",
  "github_token": "YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN",
  "openai_model": "OPENAI_MODEL_NAME",
  "reaction_to_mark_comment_as_read": "REACTION_NAME"

To modify the configuration at any time, replace YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY, YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN, OPENAI_MODEL_NAME, and REACTION_NAME with your respective OpenAI API Key, GitHub token, preferred OpenAI model name, and the reaction to mark comments as read (+1, -1, laugh, confused, heart, hooray, rocket, or eyes).


Execute the tool from the command line within your git repository:

gptmypr [--config CONFIG_PATH] [--verbose] [--pr PR_NUMBER]


  • --pr: The pull request number (mandatory). While on the PR page, look at the URL. The integer at the end is the PR number.
  • --config: The path to the configuration file (optional, default value is ~/.gptmypr.conf.json).
  • --verbose: Enables verbose output (optional).


  • The code improvements will be performed by using only the file related to the comment. It means that GPT will not account for the entire project when processing the comment - only its file.
  • Only comments attached to a line of code will be processed.
  • The file size that can be processed by the model is limited by the model's context window. Also, models with a larger window may cost more.
  • Not every result can be accurate. Use the tool to make refactoring easier, but check everything before committing :)


The script will send the entire source code file, along with comments and instructions, to the OpenAI API. The response will contain the full version of the improved source code. The larger or more files you process, the higher your bill will be from OpenAI. The script will display the count of prompt and response tokens used during the OpenAI API calls upon completion to help you understand the expenses. You can make estimations based on the prices listed here: Additionally, don't forget to review the usage stats here: or/and set usage limits here:


As previously mentioned, source code that you are planning to change using gptmypr will be sent to the OpenAI API for processing. Ensure that the code owners allow such actions.


This software and its source code are released under the MIT License and are provided "AS IS". The author is not liable for any outcomes, damages or expenses, including those from software bugs, third-party libraries used in the project, or the use of paid OpenAI APIs, among others.


Your pull requests are welcome. For significant changes, please open an issue first to discuss your proposed changes.


Should you encounter any issues, kindly open an issue on the project's GitHub repository.