
A CLI to track grades

pip install grade-tracker==2.0.0


This is a CLI written in python for tracking grades. It reads data from a yaml file


Install this with

$ pip install grade-tracker

The Data File

The data file, by default read from $XDG_DATA_HOME/gradeTracker/data.yml is a yaml file containing the data to calculate with. An example of this file can be found in the github repository

The file should always contain a modules key with a list of submodules. These submodules should have a weighting set which sums to 100 (this is checked when gradeTracker is run). This represents how much this module is worth.

The key percent represents the mark given out of 100 for that assignment. If not set, gradeTracker will ignore the module or assume it's 0 depending on ignore_unmarked

A module can also have submodules by including the modules tag, and following the same pattern. gradeTracker should deal with any depths, though it is not thoroughly tested will many layers.


Configuration is done in the yaml file $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gradeTracker/config.yml. By default this is ​~/.config/gradeTracker/config.yml. An example of this file can be found in the github repository. There are 5 possible options:


If set to true, gradeTracker will ignore variables without a mark attatched. If set to false, gradeTracker will assume they are 0. Defaults to true if unset.


This is the file that gradeTracker will read to calculate percentages. If not set, it will default to $XDG_DATA_HOME/gradeTracker/data.yml


This is used each time gradeTracker indents. Default is " ", but "| " also looks nice


This is used after each mark is given. Defaults to "%"


How close we require the total weighting to be to 100. This is so that fractional percentages can be properly used.


The gradeTracker command has one required parameter, which is the command you would like to run. It has 3 options:

  • print-marks will calculate and output a breakdown of marks, calculating the percentages at each module
  • print-modules will output the module tree, showing the name, weighting and percent. This is essentially just reformatting the data.yml file.
  • check-config will check the data file and config file for validity.