
A Simple tkinter prompt window with a settable image background window, By: Fibo Metavinci

pip install gradientmessagebox==0.1


gradient message box

A very simple tkinter prompt window with an animated gradient background.


pip install gradientmessagebox

Setup the colors, and Popups:

from gradientmessagebox import ColorConfig, ChoiceWindow, MultiTextChoice, CopyText, UserPasswordWindow

##Create the color configuration for the dialog:
config = ColorConfig(width=450, height=300, color1="#00ffff", color2="#ffa500", alpha=1.0, saturation=1.0, direct='+x', hasframe=True)

Color colors can be manipulated per element:

##Here we lighten the foreground, and darken the background
## By Default, foreground is the text color, and background is the widget surface color.

##If you want to invert the foreground and background colors:

##On instantiation a midground color is created, based on the
##the color that is halfway between the foreground and background.
##To swap the midground for the foreground or background:

##Here we reduce the saturation of the gradient used on the pop up background
##We could also lighten or darken it with config.gradient_luminance

##This call will add an image to the pop up background on
##top of the gradient.  If logo is set, a logo for the window
##is applied. If useImgSize is True, the pop up size is based on
##the image size passed.
config.imagery(path='./test-bg.png', icon_path='./logo.png', useImgSize=False)

animation can be applied to the gradient background of the pop up:

##Speed is in ms, so lower is faster
##Stretch, lengthens the gradient, generally makes it look
##better if it's a little longer in length.
config.animation(speed=10, stretch=2)

Example1 ~ Choice Window:

##Create the window:
choice = ChoiceWindow(config)

## Create a simple pop up, with option to add a text entry field,
## Without the field, the popup returns the text of the button pressed
## With an entry field, the accept button returns the text from the entry field.
answer = choice.Ask(msg='What's up?', b_accept='Chillin', b_decline='Nah', entry=False, horizontal=True)
##>>Returns: "Chillin"

There are currently 4 window types:
ChoiceWindow, MultiTextChoice, CopyText, UserPasswordWindow

Each Window has an Ask('your prompt') method which will pop the window.