
Graph Kmer Index

pip install graph-kmer-index==0.0.29


Graph Kmer Index

This is a collection of scripts and modules that can be used to sample kmers from graphs. Graph Kmer Index is not directly meant to be used alone, but is used as part of the KAGE genotyper.

Finding all kmers in a graph

The class DenseKmerFinder can be used to find all kmers in an obgraph:

Step 1: Create a graph

The easiest method for testing is just creating a graph in Python like this:

from obgraph import Graph

# We first define a graph
graph = Graph.from_dicts(
        1: "ACTG",
        2: "A",
        3: "G",
        4: "CCCC"
        1: [2, 3],
        2: [4],
        4: [4]
    linear_ref_nodes=[1, 2, 4]  # required, denotes the linear ref path through the graph

Alternatively, a graph can be created from a GFA like this:

# Convert GFA node ids to numeric IDs (necessary for obgraph)
obgraph convert_gfa_ids_to_numeric -g graph.gfa -o numeric.gfa
# Create obgraph
obgraph from_gfa -g numeric.gfa -o graph

The above will create a graph.npz file which can be read in Python:Ø

from obgraph import Graph
graph = Graph.from_file("graph.npz")

Step 2: Get kmers

from graph_kmer_index.kmer_finder import DenseKmerFinder
finder = DenseKmerFinder(graph, k=5)
kmers, nodes = finder.get_found_kmers_and_nodes()

# kmers and nodes are now one kmer and one node for every combination of kmer/node
# e.g. if one kmer touches two nodes, it will be listed twice with the two nodes


This should give:

[ 97  97  97 389 389 389 109 109 109 437 437 437]
[1 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 4 1 3 4]

... which means that kmer with hash 97 goes over node 1, 2 and 4, kmer with hash 389 goes over node 1, 2, 4, and so on...

In a more readable format:

from graph_kmer_index import kmer_hash_to_sequence
for kmer, node in zip(kmers, nodes):
    print(kmer_hash_to_sequence(kmer, 5), node)
actac 1
actac 2
actac 4
ctacc 1
ctacc 2
ctacc 4
actgc 1
actgc 3
actgc 4
ctgcc 1
ctgcc 3
ctgcc 4