
Discrete event simulation toolkit based on greenlets

pip install greensim==2.3.1


greensim: discrete event simulation toolkit


This is a set of simple tools for modeling and running simulations of discrete event systems. It is based on the implementation of each independant part of the system that generates events into a function: these are the simulation's processes. They are then add()ed to a Simulator object, which coordinates the timeline over which processes execute. Such functions indicate what happens at various moments within this process, and using functions advance() and pause() (valid only in context of process routines) to forward the simulation to the next moment.

With processes duly added to the Simulator object, the simulation is launched by calling its method run(). The simulation stops, thereby returning from run(), when the simulator runs out of events, or if one of the processes invokes function stop(). The simulation can be resumed by calling method run() over again, and so on.

Take a look at the files in examples subdirectory to get a concrete understanding.

Reference documentation for classes and tools is available as docstrings.