
A framework for generating and manipulating grid-based game worlds

game, development, 2d, grid, world, generation, procedural, cell, numpy, pillow, pyglet, pymunk, cli, a-star, blueprint, noise, perlin-noise, procedural-generation, python3
pip install gridengine-framework==0.1.4




grid_engine is a framework for generating and manipulating grids. It provides a number of classes and functions for generating and manipulating grids. Each grid is composed of Cell objects and is defined by a Blueprint. A Grid can be generated from a blueprint, loaded from a file, or created manually. It can also be pickled for later use. It can be rendered as a 2D image, an animated GIF or an ASCII string. Grids provide a number of relevant methods for pathfinding, cell manipulation, and more.


To install grid_engine, run the following command:

pip install gridengine_framework


To use grid_engine you can import any number of the submodules and utilize its respective features or you can import the main module.

import grid_engine as ge

# Create a grid
grid = ge.grid.Grid(cell_size=10, grid_dimensions=(1000, 1000))

# Save a grid

# Load a grid
loaded_grid = ge.grid.Grid.load_grid(1)

grid_engine also provides a command line interface. To use it, run the following command:

python -m grid_engine --help

# Output:
# usage: gridengine [-h] [-i] [-b BLUEPRINT] [--ascii] [-l LOAD] [-t] [-ns NOISE_SCALE] [-no NOISE_OCTAVES] [-nr NOISE_ROUGHNESS] [-r ROWS] [-c COLUMNS] [-s SIZE] [-S] [-T TYPE] [-v]

# Generate a visualized grid from a blueprint. For producing a blueprint, see the blueprint module.

# options:
#   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#   -i, --interactive     Run an interactive session
#   -b BLUEPRINT, --blueprint BLUEPRINT
#                         Load a blueprint from a file
#   --ascii               Print the grid as ascii
#   -l LOAD, --load LOAD  Load a grid from a file
#   -t, --terrain         Whether to generate terrain with the grid.
#   -ns NOISE_SCALE, --noise-scale NOISE_SCALE
#                         Noise scale
#   -no NOISE_OCTAVES, --noise-octaves NOISE_OCTAVES
#                         Noise octaves
#   -nr NOISE_ROUGHNESS, --noise-roughness NOISE_ROUGHNESS
#                         Noise roughness
#   -r ROWS, --rows ROWS  Number of rows in the grid
#   -c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS
#                         Number of columns in the grid
#   -s SIZE, --size SIZE  Size of each cell in the grid
#   -S, --save            Save the grid object to a file
#   -T TYPE, --type TYPE  Type of file to save the grid as
#   -v, --verbose         Verbose output


The following examples demonstrate the use of the grid_engine package.


The following command:

python -m grid_engine -v -S -t -ns 400 -no 75 -nr 0.55 -r 450 -c 800 -s 2

Will produce the following output:

Generating blueprint with cell size 2, 450 rows and 800 columns. Total_cells: 360000 ...
Success! Blueprint generated. Dimensions: (1600, 900)
Building grid from blueprint ...
Finding landmasses ...
Separating islands from landmasses ...
Finding start to river ...
Found largest landmass: 0 with 302951 cells
Finding lake coastal cells ...
Found 1094 cells.
Validating start/end of river ...
Start cell: pd00229(445, 228), End cell: dq00087(146, 86))
Building river ...
Getting river cells by walk ...
Generating river with end designated ...
Cells in river: 300 | Current cell: kb00082 | Next cell: kc00082
River steps: 300
Found largest landmass: 0 with 302951 cells
Finding lake coastal cells ...
Found 1094 cells.
Validating start/end of river ...
Start cell: ip00499(275, 498), End cell: dv00087(151, 86)
Building river ...
Getting river cells by walk ...
Generating river with end designated ...
Cells in river: 757 | Current cell: dz00082 | Next cell: ea000814
River steps: 757
Success! Grid generated.
Pickling grid ...
Pickling blueprint ...
Generating grid image ...
Importing pillow ...
Preparing raw image ...
Counting cells ...
Total cells: 360000
Shuffling cells ...
Cells drawn. 100%
Saving grid image ...
Grid ID: 8d564

The following image is the result of the above command:


The river generation algorithm is not perfect. I am currently working on improving it.

The above command will also produce the following files(Not included in the repository... So, generate your own!):

  • grid.8d564.pickle: A pickled Grid object.

  • blueprint.8d564.pickle: A pickled TerrainGridBlueprint object.

    import grid_engine
    from grid_engine import Grid
    # Load the 8d564 grid
    _8d564 = Grid.load_grid('8d564')
    # output: 'fb16965aa77f44138dd6149b8238d564'
    # Get a random cell
    cellA = _8d564.random_cell(attr=('passable', True))
    # Get another
    cellB = _8d564.random_cell(attr=('passable', True))
    # Get a path from cellA to cellB
    path, cost = _8d564.get_path(cellA, cellB)