
Small utilities for Fabric scripts.

pip install gusset==1.3



Small utilities for Fabric scripts.

Build Status

Output Control

Fabric supports flexible output control, though integrating Fabric's output with the output of your scripts isn't as easy as it should be.

Here's how Gusset helps:

  1. Provides status and debug functions that respect Fabrics output controls and use the same message format that Fabric uses internally:

    from fabric.api import settings
    from gusset.output import debug, status
    with settings(host_string="localhost"):
        debug("Debug message")
        status("Status message")            
  2. Provides a simple way to control output levels with a single verbosity parameter:

    from gusset.output import configure_output
  3. Provides the with_output decorator for fabric tasks:

    from fabric.api import task
    from gusset.output import with_output
    def my_task():


Fabric's command line argument parsing is very powerful, but it provides unusable TypeErrors if a required argument is omitted.

Here's how Gusset helps:

  1. Provides the Required marker value as the default for required parameters so that Fabric's command line won't balk if they are not provided:

    from fabric.api import task
    from gusset.validation import Required
    def my_task(myarg=Required):
  2. Provides the with_validation decorator to enforce that all required parameters have values, generating a useful error otherwise:

    from fabric.api import task
    from gusset.validation import Required, with_validation
    def my_task(myarg=Required):

Note that the with_validation decorator currently must be the innermost decorator of your task function.