
Python3 wrapper for running multiple OpenAI Gym compatible environments in parallel

pip install gym-vecenv==1.0



Python3 wrapper for running multiple OpenAI Gym environments in parallel

All the code is from OpenAI Baselines Repository

The parallel environment functionality was the only reason I used Baselines, but installing it requires resolving MuJoCo, mujoco-py and various other dependencies which is troublesome. Hence, I repackaged the required functionality into another package which is very easy to install and exposes the same API

Requirements (resolved automatically during installation):

  1. Python 3
  2. OpenAI Gym
  3. Cloudpickle
  4. numpy

Installation: Easiest way is to do pip3 install gym_vecenv

If you want to build from source,

  1. Clone this repository
  2. cd gym_vecenv
  3. pip install -e .


  1. import gym_vecenv and then call gym_vecenv.SubprocVecEnv or gym_vecenv.DummyVecEnv in your code

  2. from gym_vecenv import SubprocVecEnv, DummyVecEnv etc.